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What is your nick name for your Frenchie?

Jake of course is Jakey Jake, Chunky or just Jakey. Stella is Princess, Panther, Stella Bella, or Tazzy (short for tasmanian devil):evil:
Well, I don't have a Frenchie (yet) but we used to call Clayton fat cake. He's lost weight in his old age and isn't fat anymore but he thinks of nothing but food constantly and always has. He's a little vacuum, always on the hunt for any little crumb he can get ahold of.
Bentley gets called Bento-Butt, Bentels, Butthead and Banshee. Lol
Oh my gosh. I've had the best time reading through these. And! The $64K answer to the user ID Squishy Walnuts!!! [MENTION=902]Squishy Walnuts[/MENTION]
Penelope: Penelope Pitstop, Penelope Poop-in-shorts

Fergus: Fergus Fartknocker

My husband came up with those. He's pretty creative. LOL I just call them Miss Penelope or Mr Fergus.
Oh my gosh. I've had the best time reading through these. And! The $64K answer to the user ID Squishy Walnuts!!! [MENTION=902]Squishy Walnuts[/MENTION]

LOL! It's also my Twitter handle. I got a LOT of 'interesting' people following me at first until they realized that I post mostly pics of my dogs and not what the username suggests. :D
And how could I have forgotten one of our favorite nicknames for Wilson... The Wilsonater.
My husband and I have so many for Nacho! I think our most favorite one is "Bumbles." He is so clumsy and bumbles around and runs into stuff that it seemed appropriate :)

Some other ones we use are:

Nacho Man Randy Savage (my husband calls him this, not me! It's from his wrestling obsession from when he was little!)
Nacho Man
and the list goes on and on!
Ok - totally embarassed to share but here goes:

Batman is AKA: Snokiums Snookiums Sweetiums Sweetiums, Snacky Poop Poop, Bat, Baddy, Mommies little snack.

Ollie is AKA: Oliver, Weevie (Weevie is short for Olliweevier), Wee-va-nater, and Weevia
Ok - totally embarassed to share but here goes:

Batman is AKA: Snokiums Snookiums Sweetiums Sweetiums, Snacky Poop Poop, Bat, Baddy, Mommies little snack.

Ollie is AKA: Oliver, Weevie (Weevie is short for Olliweevier), Wee-va-nater, and Weevia

This is off topic but...welcome back!! I've missed seeing photos of your boys!

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This is off topic but...welcome back!! I've missed seeing photos of your boys!

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AWE!!!! Thank you Erika.....I have missed having the time to login and read all the posts....
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