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What is your opinion on vaccines?

You're right the Lepto vaccine is probably number 1 on the list of adverse reactions from vaccines. There is a chance your dog can go in an immediate shock and even die. But there is also a high chance that he actually gets the disease from the vaccine in which case you will start seeing symptoms later. It is also proven,that a Lepto vaccinated dogs contracted the lepto disease on to humans! So if you have elderly or sick people or even infants around you,I would be very careful because your vaccinated dog can make them very sick. Oh and did you know there is aluminum in the vaccine? There is no lepto vaccine licensed for human use because of all the side effects and the only very limited protection the vaccine offers.
I would also stay away from the lyme vaccine. There is so many other ,more natural ways to prevent parasites,worms,ticks etc etc. DE is one way and you can find many,many natural spray recipes on the internet.
Its not worth suppressing the immune system if there are other,safe options :)
I heard a reference to the 'DAU2' combination vaccination today. What is in that?
I heard a reference to the 'DAU2' combination vaccination today. What is in that?

never heard of it and when I did a Google search... nothing looked realted to vaccinations :blink:
I think it's like vaccines for children. Some people have stopped them because they believe they are harmful but like anything you need to weigh the benefit to the risk. If you've been watching the news on this you'll see that some of the diseases we hadn't seen in years are popping back up because people stopped vaccinating their children. I think with a puppy your vaccines should be spread out and not allow your vet to do multiple vaccines in one injection. If you live somewhere like I do where you have wildlife, cattle and field mice around you I would highly recommend the lepto. When I lived in the city in Florida I never gave lepto because there was nowhere for my dogs to get it. Rabies is required by law in every state so I'd do that but it's one of the hard ones so wait as long as you can (until they are over 6 mos old) and it's one to definitely give separately. I checked with my breeder before my pup came and she vaccinates before they come and I read and read then chose a vet who would vaccinate on MY schedule. He was very good and only gave what I wanted when I wanted. I recently re-vaccinated because it had been a year and we gave the lepto & rabies separate and I had no problems. I don't let my dog around other dogs, run in dog parks or go to Petco so I'm pretty sure he'd be safe without his boosters but I have vaccinated every animal I have ever owned and never had any adverse reaction.
I think it's like vaccines for children. Some people have stopped them because they believe they are harmful but like anything you need to weigh the benefit to the risk. If you've been watching the news on this you'll see that some of the diseases we hadn't seen in years are popping back up because people stopped vaccinating their children. I think with a puppy your vaccines should be spread out and not allow your vet to do multiple vaccines in one injection. If you live somewhere like I do where you have wildlife, cattle and field mice around you I would highly recommend the lepto. When I lived in the city in Florida I never gave lepto because there was nowhere for my dogs to get it. Rabies is required by law in every state so I'd do that but it's one of the hard ones so wait as long as you can (until they are over 6 mos old) and it's one to definitely give separately. I checked with my breeder before my pup came and she vaccinates before they come and I read and read then chose a vet who would vaccinate on MY schedule. He was very good and only gave what I wanted when I wanted. I recently re-vaccinated because it had been a year and we gave the lepto & rabies separate and I had no problems. I don't let my dog around other dogs, run in dog parks or go to Petco so I'm pretty sure he'd be safe without his boosters but I have vaccinated every animal I have ever owned and never had any adverse reaction.

I live in the state of Washington and there was recently an article in the news about lepto and it was recommended for dogs that live out here because of the wildlife that is around. They were saying even if you have an "indoor" dog you should consider getting the vaccine as it could be transmitted by something as simple as a raccoon being in your backyard. I am definitely going to talk to the vet about it.
I live in the state of Washington and there was recently an article in the news about lepto and it was recommended for dogs that live out here because of the wildlife that is around. They were saying even if you have an "indoor" dog you should consider getting the vaccine as it could be transmitted by something as simple as a raccoon being in your backyard. I am definitely going to talk to the vet about it.
I agree. Mice are also huge carriers. I wash every can that comes into my house (as well as anything else) because most grocery retailers have goods that come from a warehouse and they have mice & rats they can urinate on the cans and people can get lepto too and you WILL die from it. I have mice, feral cats, skunks, deer, cows, horses and God only knows what else here so even though my dog doesn't walk the fields or even walk in my garage (he's carried) I am leery of what Utah brings to my dog.
Leptospirosis is a bacteria that is generally spread in the urine of wildlife. We generally tell clients that if their dogs have any access to pooled or stagnant water that wildlife might frequent then their dog may be at risk. This includes people who leave bowls of water outdoor for their dogs to have access if needed, unless they are frequently dumping the water and refilling. Lepto can be pretty devastating if your dog contracts it so we like for people to be very aware of it, and we do vaccinate dogs that might be at risk. As someone said earlier Lepto is the number 1 cause of vaccine reaction so clients need to be aware of that also......if a reaction happens it typically happens pretty quickly and a dose of Benadryl and/or a steroid injection will typically reverse any issues. One thing to be considered too is that Lepto should always be a separate vaccine from the others, and what I mean is that there are several companies that make combo vaccines that include Lepto and those combo vaccines carry a higher risk of reaction than the vaccines that are Lepto only. It's a great vaccine to have on board if you think your pet may be at risk.
Leptospirosis is a bacteria that is general spread in the urine of wildlife. We generally tell clients that if their dogs have any access to pooled or stagnant water that wildlife might frequent then their dog may be at risk. This includes people who leave bowls of water outdoor for their dogs to have access if needed, unless they are frequently dumping the water and refilling. Lepto can be pretty devastating if your dog contracts it so we like for people to be very aware of it, and we do vaccinate dogs that might be at risk. As someone said earlier Lepto is the number 1 cause of vaccine reaction so clients need to be aware of that also......if a reaction happens it typically happens pretty quickly and a dose of Benadryl and/or a steroid injection will typically reverse any issues. One thing to be considered too is that Lepto should always be a separate vaccine from the others, and what I mean is that there are several companies that make combo vaccines that include Lepto and those combo vaccines carry a higher risk of reaction than the vaccines that are Lepto only. It's a great vaccine to have on board if you think your pet may be at risk.
Absolutely agree. Perfect advice. :yes:
Hm I havent heard of it either. DA2 is Distemper. But DAU2 I have no idea...
Bear is getting his final 5-way next Friday, and when I was last at the veterinarian's office, they asked if I would be doing Lepto at the same time.
I'm the "go along with what the vet says because you worry too much and don't know squat" kind of girl... But after Danté got his second set last week I was a little frightened to see him that way! Soooo sleepy and warm, it just didn't seem like something that could possibly be good for him. Is that normal?!
I'm the "go along with what the vet says because you worry too much and don't know squat" kind of girl... But after Danté got his second set last week I was a little frightened to see him that way! Soooo sleepy and warm, it just didn't seem like something that could possibly be good for him. Is that normal?!

I'm the exact same way. I figure these people went to school for this, so I should trust them. I get irritated when people critique my websites or font choices - hey, this is my expertise, pal! - so I try to keep that in mind. But Bisou had the same reaction as Dante after her last round of shots. I called the vet and they said it was normal. She was fine the next day, and I forgot all about it until your post. Might also depend on the dog. We do have delicate little creatures ;)
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