Won't poop outside!


New member
Oct 9, 2017
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What is the best way to train my little girl to go outside? Seems like she will poop in the house but when we take her out she just doesn't want to go. We could be outside with her for 15-20 minutes, nothing and then the minutes she comes back in she goes. Help!
Take her out about 15-30 minutes after each meal, and every 4 hours as well. Leave a poop sitting in back yard to remind her. Keep her on leash in back yard till she goes. Try to teach her to go to door when she needs to go- another dog who does that may be helpful to teach her. Keep an eye out for signals that she wants to poo, eg. circling around. If her poo is runny try giving her some canned pumpkin ( not the kind for cake filling ). If all else fails confine her to a smaller area of house that is tiled till she gets it.

Not sure her age, but if she's old enough to be fed twice daily vary the evening dose till you get a routine that works, eg. 8 am and 6 pm.
Does she give signals that she’s about to poop like sniffing, circling, running fast? If so, the second you see it tell her name and try to grab her and bring her right back outside.

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Good suggestions above. Be patient and give her time. Eventually she will learn.