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Worming medicine


New member
Apr 18, 2024
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Hi there fellow frenchie lovers.

Well it’s definitely droncit the worming medicine that causes my boys allergies to erupt they have been under control for a year now until he was wormed.
He’s on a raw diet and for other reasons he obviously has to be wormed so what else do you guys use? We’ve brought this up with the vet multiple times and we just get shot down.
Why are you needing to deworm? I use Panacur without issue.. is that what you have problems with for your boy?
We are on a plan with the vet where he gets worming medicine every 6 months. I just thought it was standard? Protects against lung worm also
Its not a bad idea to do it at least once a year, but I guess depending on where you live it might be needed more. I do use Panacur, buy t at a local feed store, twice a year for my guys due to our new pup loves to eat poo... all poo any poo all the time
I’m sure the droncit upsets his gut that’s why it aggravates his allergies. Poor guy! I will
Look into the pancur
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