New to the game. First Puppy. Stupid questions to follow!


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Aug 28, 2023
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Hey all, my wife and I are the happy owners of a 9 week old female frenchy that we named Bijou.
We have 2 older dogs 9-10ish that are set in their ways. Once we survive teething, pee pads, sleeping through the night, with the puppy, will there come a time where we can feed them all at once, and then let them all outside to use the bathroom? I just don't know if Bijou will be able to go out with the big boys (along with supervision) or will she always be too small to navigate stairs, the outdoors, and will be relegated to using the bathroom indoors? Thanks for any input.

Rusty’s Owner

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Feb 11, 2022
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Hey all, my wife and I are the happy owners of a 9 week old female frenchy that we named Bijou.
We have 2 older dogs 9-10ish that are set in their ways. Once we survive teething, pee pads, sleeping through the night, with the puppy, will there come a time where we can feed them all at once, and then let them all outside to use the bathroom? I just don't know if Bijou will be able to go out with the big boys (along with supervision) or will she always be too small to navigate stairs, the outdoors, and will be relegated to using the bathroom indoors? Thanks for any input.


What kind of dogs are the other 2 dogs?
If the other dogs are good with your new puppy and all dogs get along, there is no reason they can’t currently go outside together in my opinion, just be careful the other dogs don’t step on your pup accidentally but that’s inside and outside, they all need to get used to each other especially when the frenchie is young.
Otherwise if you keep them separate all the time, they may learn to not get along later on, which you don’t want to happen.

Always supervise your dogs until you know there will be no issues with getting along. Remind your other pups to be gentle and have the pup be gentle and not being too rough play with the older dogs.

I personally do NOT recommend letting your Frenchie do ANY stairs at all because that can make them more at risk for IVDD which is a horrible spine disease.
Same for jumping on and off furniture - I definitely recommend putting her on and off furniture and No jumping for her to help keep her spine good.
I carry Rusty upstairs and downstairs he waits by the stairs he is not allowed to do the stairs which I trained him as a puppy to Not do any stairs and wait for me to carry him upstairs and downstairs. Same with wanting on and off couch or bed, no jumping at all.

Definitely start making her potty outside as much as possible, there is no reason the pup can’t potty outside even now or adult. The less potty indoors the better.


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Apr 6, 2013
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She will be fine with the big boys... let them all pack together.. if you separate them they may not pack and then you will have behavior issues.

As for eating... yes, they can eat together. What we have always done is feed in order of age, oldest eats while the other wait, or you give them their bowl is different areas of a room.
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Aug 28, 2023
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Thanks for all the suggestions! One more question.....does she need to build up an immunity before taking her outdoors? How many weeks old would be a safe date?

Rusty’s Owner

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Feb 11, 2022
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Thanks for all the suggestions! One more question.....does she need to build up an immunity before taking her outdoors? How many weeks old would be a safe date?
If it’s in your yard only you can let her go in your yard now, don’t need to wait.

If your asking for walks then wait until 12 weeks/until they had the last puppy shots.


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Aug 28, 2023
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Hey thanks for the info! One more question!
When it comes time for her to go to the bathroom, I now realize that I can't open the door and just let her out, because she can't go down stairs. So I'll need to carry her outside, which isn't a problem now, but I'm wondering if there are dogs like ours that ONLY go to the bathroom indoors?? I really wouldn't want this to be the case with our puppy.
Thanks again!

Rusty’s Owner

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2022
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Hey thanks for the info! One more question!
When it comes time for her to go to the bathroom, I now realize that I can't open the door and just let her out, because she can't go down stairs. So I'll need to carry her outside, which isn't a problem now, but I'm wondering if there are dogs like ours that ONLY go to the bathroom indoors?? I really wouldn't want this to be the case with our puppy.
Thanks again!

Definitely recommend you train her to potty OUTSIDE and Not inside, and carry her up and down the stairs into the yard to prevent spine issues.

Dogs should potty outside Not inside as soon as possible as a pup, I wouldn’t have a dog potty Inside at all and I don’t recommend that at all as you can have a very stubborn dog and think they can potty anywhere in the house and when/if you eventually Needed them to potty outside and then you can have a huge problem for them to not want to potty outside at all.


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Apr 6, 2013
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Some people do use potty pads in a sectioned off area off the home, but i would not recommend that for a frenchie.... they are too darn stubborn. My guy literally was 2 full years before he was fully trained to go outside, just a stubborn bugger. hence, his nickname of "stinker" :D