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4 month old pees in her bed


New member
Aug 16, 2016
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Lila goes potty outside quite well but for whatever reason pees on her beds as well. She seems to like her beds but every so often will run over to it, scratch/dig in it, bark at it then pee. It looks like she's having fun and then later she will go to sleep on it. She will also pee on blankets or piles of clothes left on the ground. Ugh! Any advice would be appreciated.
Some pups/dogs... just can not have any bedding as they feel they need to 'mark' it. try removing all bedding and see if she stops
I agree, some just think they need to mark everything. take the bedding out for a month of so and try again.
Jax used to like to pee on his bed and blankets when he was younger. Sometimes he would walk over to his bed, look at us and then pee on it. He is 3 now and doesn't do it anymore (knock on wood).
Thanks, I took away her bedding. I feel so bad having her sleep on the crate floor.
Yes, that's what she does. Runs over to her bed, scratches, barks and rolls around on her back like she's super happy, then pees. I took away her bedding and will try that for awhile. How long did it take him to grow out of it?
Thanks, I took away her bedding. I feel so bad having her sleep on the crate floor.
Don't feel bad. I am raising a 6 mo. old lab/golden cross and she gets absolutely no bedding. It's too risky that she will chew and ingest stuffing or fabric. It won't be forever, just until the puppy phase is over.
I would feel bad too </3 I BABY my dogs I couldn't imagine letting them sleep on the floor. but I guess they are dogs we need to remember

has it worked taking the bedding away?
Yes, it worked for us removing the bed completely. We had the same story, at 4 month he would pee in the bed as soon as he will get there. Otherwise, he would go outside the house. After couple washes and changing 2 beds, I completely removed it and he slept for 3 weeks on the kitchen wood floor. The weather was still warm, so I don't think it was a problem. Now Napoleon almost 5 month and I just got him a new bed. He peed in it as soon as he got there. I washed it and gave him another chance. It is got colder here at night time, so I guess after the first night in the new bed he figured out the difference between sleeping on the floor and sleeping in the bed and no more accidence, so far. I bought the cheep beds from TJ Maxx and will wait until he is at least a year old before buying him a nice bed. Remember, they are still puppies.
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