9 week old puppy, urinating frequently


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Jul 6, 2018
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Hi! Brand new Frenchie Mama here (although I also have 2 ten year old Labs so I'm not a new dog mama). I just brought my 9 week old puppy home last Saturday. Since about Monday, she has been urinating very frequently, sometimes only a small amount. Sometimes she just squats and nothing comes out. At first we thought she was trying things out to see what got her treats and what didn't. Of course, peeing/pooping on the puppy pads or outside gets her treats and anywhere else does not. I do tell her no when she goes on an unapproved surface. I understand that she does not have much control, so we're just happy when she goes where she's supposed to at this point. But, I am concerned that she might have a UTI. The vet did not think that was the case when I brought it up at her appointment on Tuesday. She has access to water all day long and gets about an ounce of water to soften her food at every meal. Last night she peed and pooped in her crate and did not let me know she needed out. She's right by my bed in her crate so I hear her if she whines. And just a few minutes ago, after being out and near her puppy pads, she just peed on her bed in her crate. I thought they weren't supposed to do that so I'm really concerned and upset about this. I don't want this to be a continuing thing. I'm a little sleep deprived right now, so it is entirely possible that I am blowing this all out of proportion. Also, I apologize if this message isn't totally coherent, again, I'm pretty sleep deprived right now.

Oh! She also got shots yesterday, so might that have to do with the peeing and pooping in her crate? The breeder says they can be woozy after that, maybe she just didn't wake up fully?


May 12, 2018
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Hello and welcome. I adopted a 12 ish month old female Frenchie in February and she had a ton of accidents when we first brought her home. She peed on everything - carpet, blankets, in her crate, on the couch, etc...

You may not want to hear this, but I dropped everything and focused 100% on revisiting potty training (I also initially assumed it was a UTI, but it wasn't). I thought there was no way a year old Frenchie would be having this many accidents! But, I basically just started all over again. Which included going out literally every hour. Giving a treat and tons of pats with excited voice when she did go outside. I gradually (and I mean G R A D U A L L Y) extended the amount of time between trips outdoors. I just had to be totally consistent. She learned that she got to go outside to pee immediately upon being let out of her crate. 1/2 hour after meals, she goes for her longest walk with me early in the morning after breakfast, etc....I have her on a super daily routine so she feels confident and knows what to expect. I've had her now for 5 months and she hasn't had a single accident in 3 1/2 months.

It was very very tiring at first (many times I wanted to cry) but devoting several weeks to maybe a month and just powering through and getting her to understand where to potty, will be so worth it. I still don't go more than 4 hours during the day without taking her outside, but she does not soil her crate. At night she sleeps right next to me in her crate from around 9:30/10 until 5.

I know you are tired - I was too. Hang in there. Your hard work now will help her settle and feel confident and then you'll be able to enjoy your new family member. I've read that Frenchies can be a little more challenging to potty train and some adults will still have accidents, but just getting your little one on a routine will definitely help. Good luck!


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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Welcome to FBN!

They can be a very difficult potty training... it took us two full years to get Cheli fully house trained... he never indicated and at age of 7 still doesn’t. We keep very strict schedules and did crazy celebrations with treats when he went outside.

I’d insist on a UTI test just to rule it out

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Jul 6, 2018
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We got it figured out. I totally overreacted. lol! No UTI, just puppy weirdness and over stimulation. We have to chill a little on the treats and have higher standards about when to give them out. Thankfully, she learns really quickly and is very food motivated. However, now we have a different situation that I'm going to post separately about. Thanks so much!