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Acting strange

I Love Louie

New member
Oct 13, 2013
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Hi all I'm a bit worried about Louie. For those of you that know about him well he had a bit of a behavioral problem. Well the last 2 weeks he has been acting so well behaved and we thought maybe he's just growing up because he is 1 1/2 now. Well one day we noticed a raised red bump on his butt and brought him to the vet and she tested it and said its a histiocytoma which is a benign tumor and that it will go away on its own. She also said he had a small heart murmur. Well each day that goes by Lou has been just laying around not wanting to eat his food when I put it down. I have to coax him to eat. He finally does but he is not himself. He usually jumps on chair with me when I'm eating breakfast and today he stood and stared at me and was shaking. Does anyone have any ideas why he would be acting this way?

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[MENTION=258]I Love Louie[/MENTION]: the hystiocytoma will go away on it's own and shouldn't bother him, as far a the heart murmur did they give you a grade? Sounds like there is something else likely going on as long as the heart murmur is a low grade (he's likely always had it). Any other new changes? New bag of food? New toys? New treats? Anything possibly missing or swallowed?
The vet said the heart murmur was a 1 so low grade. He did get new toys and treats and during the holidays has had more people food from relatives feeding him. He doesn't have diarreah though nor is he throwing up. His new toys are intact and so I'm not sure.

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It does sound like he is in pain somewhere, or just doesn't feel good. Hopefully he didn't eat something he shouldn't have. I would keep a close eye on him and if he doesn't improve in a day or two, I would take him back to the vet for an other thorough checkup.
agree with David -- if he does not seem better in the next day I'd be back at the vet for a extensive check up. This happen with Banks (english bulldog) and I knew something was not right and asked for an extensive exam... no toys were missing or pieces missing, but it turned out she ate a stone that she could not pass and was causing her stomach pain
A return trip to the vet is what I'd do! I hope he is feeling better soon!
i would never let a bunch of people give my dog random people food.
Something similar just happened with Piper. She was acting weird and not eating. I touched her leg once softly and she yelped. I immediately called the vet and got her in right away. They X-rayed her to see if something was broken and they did some blood work. The X-ray showed nothing was broken. The vet gave her a shot for pain we went home and waited for the lab results. We found out after more more blood work that she has portosystemic shunt. She's currently on antibiotics and specialized food. Your baby might not have the same thing but Piper acted the same way you just described.
Thanks for all the advice!!! I was going to take him to the vet today but he was actually playing a little more and ate his food right away. He is definitely still sleeping more and I'm hoping that is normal. I'm prepared to take him to the vet right away if I notice any more weird signs. I'm hoping he was just under the weather.

I will keep a close eye on anyone that tries to give him people food. We just give him carrots apples bananas etc.

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