My frenchy girl Moolah woke up today with what appears to be some trouble walking. She seemed to favor the right leg,
I looked her over and felt both legs, feet back end and she never even wimpered,,,she didnt want to walk this morning at all.
This was how she woke up out of her crate.
Yesterday she was a crazy girl running around the backyard doing zoomies and we just took down our pool so there was a larger
area of sand she was really zooming through.
She did throw up her dinner last night after going for a walk but then seemed fine. She did fall asleep on the one chair and later we woke her up and she got down and went in her crate for the night.
She seems now this morning to just want to sleep which she is doing on her dog bed...
I just dont want to spend hundreds of dollars at the vet on xrays or whatever if this will pass...
I was going to see how she goes through the day and then maybe decide tomorrow about the vet...
Please anyone with nany opinions or thoughts i would appriciate...also she went to play group Saturday which she hadnr been to in a long time so wondering if she just over did it,,,,she just turned 1 in September, Just so not like her to act this way.....Thanks!!
I looked her over and felt both legs, feet back end and she never even wimpered,,,she didnt want to walk this morning at all.
This was how she woke up out of her crate.
Yesterday she was a crazy girl running around the backyard doing zoomies and we just took down our pool so there was a larger
area of sand she was really zooming through.
She did throw up her dinner last night after going for a walk but then seemed fine. She did fall asleep on the one chair and later we woke her up and she got down and went in her crate for the night.
She seems now this morning to just want to sleep which she is doing on her dog bed...
I just dont want to spend hundreds of dollars at the vet on xrays or whatever if this will pass...
I was going to see how she goes through the day and then maybe decide tomorrow about the vet...
Please anyone with nany opinions or thoughts i would appriciate...also she went to play group Saturday which she hadnr been to in a long time so wondering if she just over did it,,,,she just turned 1 in September, Just so not like her to act this way.....Thanks!!