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Age of spaying?


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Jun 7, 2017
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Hello fellow frenchie lovers! My two girls are getting thick and sassy and their personalities are blooming. We had a rough patch where they had tape worms, giardia and coccidea! After a lot of meds, diarrhea clean ups and fecal tests they are now healthy and happy. They were born mid-March so they are about 5 months old.

I have zero interest in breeding them so will be spaying them both in the future. What is the recommended age to spay Frenchies. I've heard many different ages but no real scientific evidence of one age over the other. Those of you all who had your females spayed, what age did you do it? Any special considerations with anesthesia and their brachacephalic faces?
We had our girl spayed at 6 months... it is really a personal decision. Most say anytime 6 months or older

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I had Carrot spayed at 6 months. My vet encouraged us to spay her before she went into her first heat.
Our girls were spayed at 6 months but many say to wait until 1 year.
Thanks for the responses, much appreciated. Any scientific reason for waiting to until 1 year? I think I will go with spaying at 6 months unless given a fact-grounded reason to put it off.
I'm not sure about females but with males "they" say to wait to at least 1 year in order for them to fully develop.

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We spayed Stella at 6 months. It really is a personal decision and I would discuss it with your vet. There definitely is a special protocol for anesthesia in brachy breeds and I would make sure to go to a vet that is very familiar with them.
It's always best to wait until they are one year of age if you can get though the first heat cycle. If you choose to do that, when they are in heat, never ever let them out of your sight. If you don't want to go through the first heat then around 6 months of age.
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