My husband was kind enough to share an angler with Twiggy. The pictures are blurry, but she approves.
My two LOVE antlers. I get all natural antlers from our local Marc's and they're $2.98 as opposed to $7 for an ever smaller size. I was so happy to discover these!
Pretty big antler. I think they are $13.99 at PetCo for this size!
That is a good price. They are expensive in the pet store! Some were like $20. My husband is a hunter, so they are all natural lol. I can't believe he gave one up actually. I asked for one a while back and got a "I'm not sharing" look so I haven't asked again lol! He just brought this one in today.
Twiggy likes her antler, but not as much as she liked her Himalayan chew. I need to get her another. She LOVED that thing.
I wish mine liked the antlers or Himalayan chew! It would give me so much less anxiety than a bully stick lol