anxious around other dogs


New member
Aug 26, 2015
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Hey Guys! Anyone ever deal with self confidence issues around other dogs? Since I've gotten Poppy she has calmed down a lot; she still gets anxious over new experiences but she is definitely much improved (immediately calms down when she's out of the situation versus taking a full day when I first got her).

One thing I'm still struggling with is her interactions with other dogs we meet during walks or if a coworker brings her dogs the same day I bring her to the office.

When she meets a new dog she immediately stiffens - head up, eyes wide, doesn't move at all. Which I understand is a slightly dominant display and slightly fearful/unsure. Now she allows the other dog to sniff her which is good, but it also makes me nervous. It usually plays out one of two ways; either she stands like that until the other dog and their owner wanders away or the other dog does something she takes offence to - in which case it's hackles raise, head lowered, we leave very quickly...

She also just stares at other dogs. If we're eating outside or in a store or something and she see's another dog it's immediate stance and intense staring as her anxiety starts to build. Some dogs take offence to this and start barking at her which she then retaliates with her own barks and growls and the situation turns into not a fun one.

I am working on her training so she can focus on me instead of the other dogs but it's a work in progress. Sometimes she doesn't have her listening ears on, sometimes she's just grumpy (if she's late for her nap:rolleyes:).

just wondering if anyone had successfully dealt with this and/or had any suggestions on what else I can be doing. I am looking for trainers in the area but I'm having issues as it seems most trainers only focus on socialization on the puppy level or is crazy expensive. I'm sure I'll find one eventually or figure out how to budget accordingly as training is always beneficial but thought I'd ask here for some suggestions in the meantime :)
Carry high value treats with you and practice getting her attention when a dog is walking by saying her name and if she looks at you and not the dog, reward her. When she looks away, call her name again and reward her when she makes eye contact. I would practice this exercise around a dog that you know is submissive. She will associate that being around dogs brings good things when she pays attention to you. She should never meet a dog nose to nose either. Side greetings only. Also some dogs are not that interested in making friends with other dogs. My Stella does not play with other dogs besides Jake. She was attacked when she was 5 months old so it has been difficult for her to trust other dogs. Good luck!
Just keep getting her around other dogs. Try to stay calm, she will feed off you, if your nervous she will be nervous. I don't like dog parks, as some people will bring unruly dogs there and you don't want that. Going to a puppy class, obedience class or anything like that will get her around other dogs and in a controlled area. You can also take her to Petsmart, or Petco, places that allow dogs and let her be around others dogs that way too. Plenty of praise and treats when she does well.
The best method to help our dog who is scared of a specific thing , other dogs or stranger is to use the way know as desensitization. It means exposing our dog to all the object that they afraid of. With this method our dog will learn own his pace, that one they afraid of isn't bad.
I had a rescue dog once that had been picked on by other dogs and was very afraid. We went to socialization classes and were constantly being put in time-out because of her behavior. We ended up having her in our fenced 5 acre lot with the cat, squirrels, chipmunks and deer. Our other dogs went to work with us, etc. but she was happy as a stay at home dog!
I agree with [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION]. We used to go to a dog park but Wally got bit pretty bad so we stopped going. I also found I was spending all my time looking after other people's dogs while the owners sat at one of the park socializing with their friends and not watching their dogs. Those were the dogs that were trouble, snapping at every dog, etc. :censored:

Definitely keep up with socializing though, it's important they spend time with other dogs but do it in a controlled environment. Hopefully the fear will lessen as she gets more used to being around other dogs and people.
I agree a puppy class might be good for her! Or do you have any friends with dogs you can do play dates with to get her socialized with other animals in an environment you're also comfortable in?