Any insight on Hemivertebrae


New member
Nov 13, 2016
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I am new to this forum. I came across it while trying to research information about hemi vertebrae, because I just found out my 2 year old frenchie has this issue in the middle of her back. Out of nowhere last week, she was in agonizing pain and shaking, without any obvious injury. We took her to the vet immediately, because it was so scary the extent of pain she was in, she was shaking and panting. After doing a lot of tests, they checked her spine and found 3 of her vertebrae were abnormal and compressing her nerves at this point.

They have been managing her symptoms with Prednisone, Robaxin, and Famotidine and she is doing better. We are limiting her activity and she no longer is allowed on the furniture to avoid jumping, as I read this is a huge trigger for the symptoms.

My vet does not specialize is neurological issues, so I am trying to research specialists. This whole thing is frightening since the range of symptoms and treatment are so broad. My Bella still has full function and has no limp or issues otherwise, but I do not want to wait until the next episode to address this matter.

Any guidance or experience would be much appreciated!
My female bulldog has this all her life without any major problems.... she was diagnosed at 2 and we managed her pain wit many meds over the next 7 years. We started wit Tramadol and deramax, we also had to maintain her weight and any/all exercise/playing was limited. At around age 5 or 6 we started giving her Gabapetin and Tramadol, dropping the Deramaxx to only as needed. We also, which I think was the best treatment, did cold laser therapy... it started out a three time a week, then twice a week, once a week and worked it to once a month. She LOVED her spa day (what I called it), the treatments lasted anywhere from 20 mins to an hour depending on where in the process you are.

Try not to panic... I'll send me you inof via PM
One of my English Bulldogs had vertebrae fusing, he was 3 when we found out. He was born with the condition and it didn't limit his activity too much because most of his strength was in his front. He pretty much lived a normal life, played lots, went on walks, etc!
Sorry to hear this about your pup. I have no experience with this, but sounds like Christine [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] has you covered. :)