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Baby Teeth Hanging in There


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Sep 11, 2015
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Junior will be 5 months old on October 3. He has lost quite a few baby teeth, and we have found a couple on the floor. His permanent canine teeth are now coming in. Two of the four look fine. The other two canines, however, are weird. The baby tooth is still there, right next to the permanent teeth that are about half-way in. I'm hoping that those baby teeth will be pushed out at some point and that we won't need intervention from the vet.

The vet did mention to us that he tends to pull out any retained baby teeth when he does the neuter, which he would like to schedule at 9 months. That is still four months away.

Any experience on baby teeth to share?
In an ideal situation the permanent tooth should grow right underneath the baby tooth. When that happens the new tooth "eats" the baby tooth from its way from the root up.
In many occasion this does not happen, and especially with the canines.

When Moses was teething I was in the exact same situation. I was told that when the new tooth grows around half the length alongside the baby teeth, it's best to get them removed. We had issues with 3 out of 4 canines.
I tried to carefully make the baby teeth move, but they didn't. We went to the vet and she removed all 3. Now all teeth are in perfect line :)

The baby canines were surprisingly long, only approx 1/3 was showing, so I concluded that they would have never left by themselves.

Are they moving at all? In our case I could not move them at all with my finger.
They will fall out for up to 6-7 mths and any left can be removed if you are neutering, as you stated. I would not be worried unless an infection or issue comes up...
Stella had a baby tooth removed when she was spayed at 7 mos. They will most likely fall out on their own.
Thanks, Chiana. This is good advice. Of the problem teeth, one of them wiggles, the other does not. The one that is wiggly is right next to it's permanent tooth. The one that is stationary is a little distance away from the adult tooth coming in.
Thanks, Chiana. This is good advice. Of the problem teeth, one of them wiggles, the other does not. The one that is wiggly is right next to it's permanent tooth. The one that is stationary is a little distance away from the adult tooth coming in.

The one that wiggles will most likely fall out by itself. If it wiggles, then the permanent tooth has carved the baby tooth root enough, that's good.
Pay attention to the other one further apart. If the new one is growing to a good position, then that is again good and it can push the baby tooth out eventually.
Just an update to let everyone know that Junior's stubborn canine baby teeth eventually fell out. He may still have a few other baby teeth in there, but nothing that seems to be stuck or crowded. The vet has suggested he'd like to have a more thorough look when we do Junior's neuter.

Glad to hear this!

I didnt have any problems with Maple, however there was a time when my cat had 4 upper canine's and looked like a hybrid vampire lol.
But we were lucky and they eventually fell out before we had to have them pulled.
Glad to hear they came out and he is doing well.
Does your frenchie have enough chewing? The frenchie, according to my observation, they like to swallow rather then chew. Give it something, the best will be bone, that require it to chew for half an hour, the baby teeth is fragile and it will be easily get off. It is also a good way to expense its energy