Barking for attention


New member
Nov 26, 2016
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I have a few questions about barking and whining for attention with Calvin who is almost 6 months old. We have a crate and X pen set up in the kitchen which is where we put him if we are going out for a little while to run errands or for when we're making dinner and he can't be closely supervised. As soon as we put him in his crate, he immediately starts whining and barking. It's the most annoying thing. At first I thought it was maybe because he had to go potty, but it's 90% of the time when we put him in there. The only time he doesn't do it is when we go to bed THANK GOD he sleeps though the night. My boyfriend is home during the day and has him out playing for the majority of the day so it's not like he's not getting enough attention or exercise. We also tried crating him more during the day while my boyfriend is home so he's not getting too much free time but he still barks and whines. We've tried ignoring him until he's quiet, but sometimes he'll keep barking for as long as an hour, and it's so frustrating. I've also tried clapping with a firm NO! It seems to shut him up for 30 seconds and then he starts again until he gets what he wants (to be picked up and taken out into the living room). PLEASE HELP!
It is tough listening to the barking and whining but you have to ignore it and not give him attention until he is quiet. Maybe put him in his crate with a treat filled Kong to keep him busy for a while, and give him lots of praise for being good. Whatever you do you and your boyfriend need to be consistent.
Alice gave the best advice. However, it is a tough one because Frenchie are human lovers and just want to be with you 24/7... shadows and velcro dog are among the nicknames

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I have the same exact issue with my pup! She is fine at night but howls as soon as she's confined during the day. I have noticed that she barks for a shorter amount of time since I started ignoring her. Please keep me updated, and I will keep you updated!