Bear and his Flamboyant Ear


New member
May 1, 2014
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Our breeder just sent the 6-week pictures. Lol.

6 weeks a.jpg6 weeks b.jpg6 weeks c.jpg

I'm making my husband create a lawn in preparation. We have an arid/succulent yard right now with decorative gravel and the like, so he has his work cut out for him. Lol.
OMG... hoe freakin adorable is he!!! I love the ear
I've read that it is very rare for both ears to not stand up. Is this true? :mellow:
Quite a lot of times they only have one ear up for a week or so. Then the other one follows. :)
Not that I would sort of looks like he's always raising his 'hand' to answer a question. lol
He is adorable! It is common for one ear to come up first! :heart:
Awesome! Looking forward to next week's pic!
He is a cutie. The other ear should come up in a week or so.
Olivia had the same thing going on for a while. I thought it was so cute and my boys wished it would stay this way...

Olivia had the same thing going on for a while. I thought it was so cute and my boys wished it would stay this way...

He's so darn cute!

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I love it! One of Pierce's littermate's stayed that way for a few days. He was the heaviest of the three and we all said he was concentrating more on growing than getting ears to stand up.

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9 weeks old at last!
We pick him up this Friday :)

9 weeks b.jpg