Behavioral Issues with 5 Month Old Frenchie


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Nov 28, 2016
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Hello! I currently have a 5 month old Frenchie (almost 6 months). And we are having the hardest time training him, especially with potty training. I feel like he knows that he needs to go outside through the dog door, since he does is maybe 70% of the time. But then just chooses not to whenever he wants. Every time I do see him go potty outside, I strongly use the positive reinforcement. Any other tips on what I should try?

Side note, he also does have this weird screaming thing he does. It's usually when my boyfriend picks him up, or tries to make him go potty outside, he just sits there and screams? Any idea why he could be doing that? He's never really done it with me and only with my boyfriend. He's not in any pain so I'm just baffled at what it could be about. Any insight would be beyond helpful. Thank you! :)
Welcome... potty training can be brutal with these guys... schedule and consistency as well as treats treats treats. It took us two full years ti get Cheli fully potty trained

The screaming.. not sure? Is he bonded with your b/f -- can you get video?

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Sounds like maybe he's being a bit stubborn, I really don't understand why he wouldn't use the pet door all of the time.
Potty bells made a huge difference for us. There were several months when my gal rang the bells just because she wanted to hang outside but once the family paid attention to her bell ringing, the indoor incidents stopped. Now she can ring the bell and be ok if she doesn't go out right away. She is 9 months old.
Five months is still quite young for him to reliably remember where to go potty. Puppies are easily distracted by their environment and as he gets older I'm sure he will get it. Keeping him on a schedule will help too. I have one who will use the dog door, and one who is afraid, so I have to take her out. Silly frenchies:)
I agree, he is still young and will eventually get it. I would take him out regularly, and don't depend on the doggie door. I personally don't like doggie doors either. They can go out in the summer and get too hot, and might not come back in until it's too late, plus too easy foe someone to steal them if they are out by themselves.
My Frenchie was trained at 6 months getting there was kind of painful. Keep staying consistent and reward him with treats. This breed is stubborn when it comes to potty training. Only a few days ago, Penelope went downstairs and pooped. I've never had a dog do that when they are over a year old. The screaming issue I can't address. That is strange that he's doing that.
I'm not sure about the screaming... but Calvin is around the same age and we are still struggling. We don't use a doggie door, but when he needs to go he's been pretty good with letting us know by scratching at the back door until we let him out. But then sometimes he doesn't and will just go in the house... lol.

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