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Sep 4, 2015
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My feenchie is 5 months old and he is still losing teeth. His biting was fine when he was younger but not his jaw is growing and is getting strong and it hurts!! He bites when he gets excited and constantly bit in at socks and pants! Any tips on how to
Stop this and how long will the teething last?
Every dog is different so you have to adjust the dicipline according to the dog and the situation. I would give him a firm "No!" when he does it, then tell him what you do want him to do (sit, down, ect) and praise him for doing it. Be firm and consistant. For instance if it's not okay to bite your pants today, it's not okay to bite your pants any time. Maybe let him drag the leash around some when you can be right there to watch him so if he starts it, you can have a little better control. Sometimes puppies just go nuts and if he is doing that and you can't get him to listen, put him in time out until he calms down.
Banksy is the same age. We are consistent with a firm "No bite" Try and make sure he has lots of toys to play with and you show him what is ok to chew on. Not sure how much you have play time but whenever Banksy gets like that its usually just cause he wants to play so I try and make some time to throw a ball around or play tug of war, or take him for a walk to tire him out then give him something to chew on in his own space.
Buster was/is a sleeve biter when someone bends over to pet him. We always tell him no bite and give him a nylabone, but he still gets excited and does it sometimes. He is 2. Most puppies outgrow the biting by the time they are 2 or earlier.
Firm NO and maybe a spray bottle with water in it... spray to side of face with the NO and remain consistent. everyone in house should follow the same commands with his rules to ensure he gets it
Firm NO and maybe a spray bottle with water in it... spray to side of face with the NO and remain consistent. everyone in house should follow the same commands with his rules to ensure he gets it

Never understood why people feel the need to spray their dogs with water and call it discipline. Seems a little cruel to me but I guess different things work for different dogs.
Dogs are all different. We almost had to use a spray bottle because Maximus gave us such a hard time when he was a little puppy. I have a battle scar on my belly from one of our "fights". :( I thought I was doing something horribly wrong since he wouldn't stop the nipping with his sharp puppy teeth. He didn't nip at my bf the way he nipped me. He would come chasing after my calves and jumping up to get a hold of me. My only escape was on top of the bed or the sofa. Seriously after that belly bite, I was in bed crying until the bf came home.

I remained consistent and worked on biting exercises with his toys (take away the toy if he bit my finger). One day he seemed to just snap out of it. Now even when I put my finger in his mouth the most he does is nibble at it. He is now 15 months old.
I use a spray bottle. I have a deaf dog, where there is no other option beside that for the "yip" or "firm no" so I do a sign NO and mad face and spray if that doesn't work.
When Pepper was little she used to bite all the time. We all had teeth marks on our hands, fingers and where not. Then she grew up, calmed down for a while and now, 1 year old she started again and now she has no puppy teeth and no puppy mouth bu this powerful, bad-*** chomper that is leaving marks and bruises. When I try to ignore her so that she stops, she starts barking like crazy (something like "Hey, I'm here, play with me!") and if I keep ignoring her she comes closer, she nips me, and runs away like playing. If I still ignore her, the barking goes on, she comes and nips me again(or pulls my shoe, my sock, my pant leg or exposed skin) and runs again hoping I give chase and play together. My hands and fingers are already used to it but when she nips my back or stomach (when I lay down), the calves, or back of my leg it hurts like heck.
Any of your piggies exhibit a similar behavior?
When Pepper was little she used to bite all the time. We all had teeth marks on our hands, fingers and where not. Then she grew up, calmed down for a while and now, 1 year old she started again and now she has no puppy teeth and no puppy mouth bu this powerful, bad-*** chomper that is leaving marks and bruises. When I try to ignore her so that she stops, she starts barking like crazy (something like "Hey, I'm here, play with me!") and if I keep ignoring her she comes closer, she nips me, and runs away like playing. If I still ignore her, the barking goes on, she comes and nips me again(or pulls my shoe, my sock, my pant leg or exposed skin) and runs again hoping I give chase and play together. My hands and fingers are already used to it but when she nips my back or stomach (when I lay down), the calves, or back of my leg it hurts like heck.
Any of your piggies exhibit a similar behavior?

Yep! My girl does this to my husband. 0% respect for him. Only way I've calmed her down is a small plastic cup with a lid with about 10 pennies. One shake and a loud NO gets her snapped out of the obsessive barking/nipping him. Since I've done it so long now a "I'm getting your cup!" From me stops her, too.
My dog did a lot of mouthing/play biting early on. Everything was fine and dandy till the biting started to become a little to rough for my taste (Worried about how a child would react if she play bite them) that I had to put an end to it.

I used hand sanitizer at first when she would get really mouthy during play. She'd take a wiff and stop right away.

Another tactic I used when Hand sanitizer wasn't around was to leave my hand in her mouth - which she didn't want.

Another tactic was to just stop playing with her when she started biting. I'd say "Ow" or something of the sort loudly and get up and ignore her for 10+ minutes.

The last step I took only came about when the biting became way to rough and actually hurt me. I just bite her back (...not hard, but firm enough to get her attention) and that put a complete end to that. She'll still mouths during play at times, but now she just wraps her mouth around your hand and licks. It's so soft you barely notice it. She's figured out what pressure is 'good' for humans and what pressure is meant for her toys.
When Pepper was little she used to bite all the time. We all had teeth marks on our hands, fingers and where not. Then she grew up, calmed down for a while and now, 1 year old she started again and now she has no puppy teeth and no puppy mouth bu this powerful, bad-*** chomper that is leaving marks and bruises. When I try to ignore her so that she stops, she starts barking like crazy (something like "Hey, I'm here, play with me!") and if I keep ignoring her she comes closer, she nips me, and runs away like playing. If I still ignore her, the barking goes on, she comes and nips me again(or pulls my shoe, my sock, my pant leg or exposed skin) and runs again hoping I give chase and play together. My hands and fingers are already used to it but when she nips my back or stomach (when I lay down), the calves, or back of my leg it hurts like heck.
Any of your piggies exhibit a similar behavior?

She is reaching her adolescence and starting to act like a proper teenager. We went through that rough batch as well. Our guy really tried to climb up the pack hierarchy. He also nipped and tried all sorts of things. We tried to be consistent and correct each time and just ride it through.
Eventually that behaviour stopped as sudden as it started. Good luck! :)
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