When Pepper was little she used to bite all the time. We all had teeth marks on our hands, fingers and where not. Then she grew up, calmed down for a while and now, 1 year old she started again and now she has no puppy teeth and no puppy mouth bu this powerful, bad-*** chomper that is leaving marks and bruises. When I try to ignore her so that she stops, she starts barking like crazy (something like "Hey, I'm here, play with me!") and if I keep ignoring her she comes closer, she nips me, and runs away like playing. If I still ignore her, the barking goes on, she comes and nips me again(or pulls my shoe, my sock, my pant leg or exposed skin) and runs again hoping I give chase and play together. My hands and fingers are already used to it but when she nips my back or stomach (when I lay down), the calves, or back of my leg it hurts like heck.
Any of your piggies exhibit a similar behavior?