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Bonnie & Bruce!!!


New member
Apr 17, 2017
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Hello All,
On Friday my family of 4 became a family of 6 when we brought 2 little 8 weeks old pups home to live with us.
I have lots of questions and heard lots of horror stories about having 2 from the same litter and how difficult they are to obedience train etc.
I'm hoping people have some positive stories to give me some hope :D
So far we're doing well with toilet training; Bruce sits at the door however Bonnie is not happy with the outdoors, particularly when it's wet and living in the UK it's wet pretty much all the time!!
Look forward to hearing from you.
Lou xx
:welcome3: to FBN!

Sweet babies.. love the names.

Regardless of age and size... schedule is everything for training--- look up nothing in life is free, very easy technique and start now with all humans following, it will help make training easier for all.

Frenchies can be a tough potty train ... my guy took 2 full years

Good luck and congratulations

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Cuuuuuuute!!!!! I know that feeling with the weather! Dexter hates weather. Any weather! Rain, wind, cold. He's a huge wimp with everything! He'll go out in the rain and do the toilet in seconds, then shoot back in the door as fast as possible! And there is not a chance he'll walk in it. Being in Aberdeen, it makes for a fun winter haha!!

Good luck with the double training! It'll be challenging but so rewarding, I'm sure :)
Congratulations! They are adorable. I think consistency is key and training will go smoother with a routine. Make sure and really praise your female with a special treat and verbal praise when she does go outside.
We have two that are 10 months apart and love it.
They are two cuties. Training will take time, but they swill get it. You have some good advice above. Our little princesses don't like to wet ground either, but they will eventual go out in it. Except Katie, she will go walk out in the water if we get a hard rain. :)
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