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Bumps all over his back and neck!


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Oct 1, 2016
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Hi everyone, i hope i could get some advice here about skin problem of my french bulldog.
He is 2 years old, he is on taste of the wild Fowl with some smashed pumpkin, boiled chicken meat or beef. Thats what we have been feeding him for the last few months.

Recently he was infected by fungus and then the skin won't recover until now. Its been a month we visited the vet and he was given steroids and antibiotics. Eventually he recovered from fungus but there are bumps around his neck and backside. We went back to vet again, and he was on antibiotics again, it was under control but they just dont go away. But it doesnt bother him much, no scratching no irritate.

After that we went to second vet to do skin scrapping just to make sure not mites problem or else. Result only say he have some bacterial, vet just recommended we continue the medicated shampoo to see how it goes.

I also tried WashBar to see if it will help. And some contol cream vet gave.

But then the bumps or hives turn into some pimples like?
I duno if the diet caused this? But he have been on the same diet for few months and his skin/fur was really shinny and healthy.

Please advice. Thank you very much



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Kind of looks like hives to me. Have you tried an antihistamine? Also, dogs can develop allergies at any point in their lives. I would transition him to a grain free, limited ingredient diet and see if that helps.
Kind of looks like hives to me. Have you tried an antihistamine? Also, dogs can develop allergies at any point in their lives. I would transition him to a grain free, limited ingredient diet and see if that helps.

I agree! Interestingly enough, my Ella has something very similar at the moment that can really only add up to a slightly insufficient immune system and therefore, allergies. I've found a Douxo shampoo that works extremely well when needed! That and keeping her on pavement away from outdoor allergens if possible, really helps.
Give him some Benedryl, 1 25mg pill should do, if the hives are bad, then give him two 25 mg. pills. I would try not feeding him the chicken for a few weeks to see if that helps. Some times they are allergic to chicken.
My Bulldog had something like this last month... I rubbed coconut oil on him and it cleared up.

It looks like it could be from allergies as Nicole mentioned.. low immune system .. add a probiotics to his meal-- it might help

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Stitch is also two and he gets bumps! It will dry out and turn into pimple like scab, but after that it's gone, it will re appear again months later. I still don't know what it is, please keep us updated!

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Stitch is also two and he gets bumps! It will dry out and turn into pimple like scab, but after that it's gone, it will re appear again months later. I still don't know what it is, please keep us updated!

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Staph infection.. need antibiotics and probiotics ti strength immune system

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