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Bumps on French bull dog pups gums normal?

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Actually, not all dogs get them. If your kid had chicken pox, would you knowingly expose him to other kids? I'm hoping the answer is no. When kids had chicken pox, they were quarantined and couldn't go to school.

The bumps may very well be normal but only a vet could make that determination. And honestly, if you don't want to incur vet bills, then maybe you shouldn't have gotten a dog, especially a Frenchie who are known for having multiple health issues.

Some of your comments on here are quite rude. When you post a question to a forum, you're going to get multiple opinions. Only a vet can make a true diagnosis.

Yes opinions that matter. I asked a question. Go to the vet isn't an answer to my question. I take my dogs to the vet when its necessary and appropriate. Its not for you to question. This comment is rude. Are your dogs insured, because mine are? Do you cook and prepare your dogs food from scratch, made fresh to avoid processed dry dog food, because I do? Do you provide your dogs holistic supplements as part of thier diet like I do? Do you bring patched grass for your dogs inside your home instead of potty pads as I do? Do you brush your dogs teeth twice a day as I do? Do you check all the ingredients on your dogs food products and treats to insure thier holistic and natural like I do? I highly doubt it. So maybe someone who doesn't do all those things shouldn't have a dog or especially shouldn't tell me what to do with mine.

I'll quarantine for something as serious as kennel cough or distemper but not for warts.
Yes opinions that matter. I asked a question. Go to the vet isn't an answer to my question. I take my dogs to the vet when its necessary and appropriate. Its not for you to question. This comment is rude. Are your dogs insured, because mine are? Do you cook and prepare your dogs food from scratch, made fresh to avoid processed dry dog food, because I do? Do you provide your dogs holistic supplements as part of thier diet like I do? Do you bring patched grass for your dogs inside your home instead of potty pads as I do? Do you brush your dogs teeth twice a day as I do? Do you check all the ingredients on your dogs food products and treats to insure thier holistic and natural like I do? I highly doubt it. So maybe someone who doesn't do all those things shouldn't have a dog or especially shouldn't tell me what to do with mine.
Yes, I have pet insurance. Yes, I have cooked from scratch until Jax started showing an allergic reaction so I am working on that issue right now. Yes, I give holistic supplements. Yes, I brush his teeth. Yes, I check ingredients. And actually I don't need to bring in a grass pad because Jax doesn't go to the bathroom in the house, he uses our yard. My dog gets anything and everything he needs and is well taken care of. If there was any possible chance my dog might have a contagious virus, (which he did have warts) I wouldn't hesitate for one second to spend the money on a vet visit to confirm as I would never knowingly expose that virus to other dogs, harmful or not. So I guess that is one difference between me and you.
Yes, I have pet insurance. Yes, I have cooked from scratch until Jax started showing an allergic reaction so I am working on that issue right now. Yes, I give holistic supplements. Yes, I brush his teeth. Yes, I check ingredients. And actually I don't need to bring in a grass pad because Jax doesn't go to the bathroom in the house, he uses our yard. My dog gets anything and everything he needs and is well taken care of. If there was any possible chance my dog might have a contagious virus, (which he did have warts) I wouldn't hesitate for one second to spend the money on a vet visit to confirm as I would never knowingly expose that virus to other dogs, harmful or not. So I guess that is one difference between me and you.

Yes. I don't waste money at the vets office. I take my dogs in for annual check ups and if theres an emergency. My dogs receive more than efficient preventative care. Back to the topic of discussion, answering my question about the warts, not veterinary care.
Yes. I don't waste money at the vets office. I take my dogs in for annual check ups and if theres an emergency. My dogs receive more than efficient preventative care. Back to the topic of discussion, answering my question about the warts, not veterinary care.

Your question WAS answered, and multiple people gave you advice and options, including the option of going to the vet for a diagnosis. Not one post was judging you or your choice, just different opinions. I backed up [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] because you jumped down her throat for no reason.

I'm sorry but your posts are very rude to the members here who took the time out of their day to respond. We do not tolerate disrespectful responses here, this is not facebook. The bottom line is members here gave you advice and tried to help, and you can take the advice or leave it, you do NOT need to explain your choice and become defensive, we are not a judgemental group. Thank the members for their time, and do what you will.
Your question WAS answered, and multiple people gave you advice and options, including the option of going to the vet for a diagnosis. Not one post was judging you or your choice, just different opinions. I backed up [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] because you jumped down her throat for no reason.

I'm sorry but your posts are very rude to the members here who took the time out of their day to respond. We do not tolerate disrespectful responses here, this is not facebook. The bottom line is members here gave you advice and tried to help, and you can take the advice or leave it, you do NOT need to explain your choice and become defensive, we are not a judgemental group. Thank the members for their time, and do what you will.

I find your posts rude, unecessary and your tone hypocritical, because this post specifically has no relation to my comment you quoted and is completely off topic.

I appreciate the sincere comments I received that directly relate to my question. Another users posts doesn't need you to back it up.

I honestly personally don't care for your posts as I find them instigating and completely off topic.

This and your previous post were both rude and I'm afraid I'll be ignoring your remarks from here on out as its a complete waste of my time.
It seems to me you just want to hear the advice that you don't have to take your dog to the vet. You asked for advice and you got it. It's up to you to choose what to do with it. If the warts end up being nothing then you saved $50. But if some knowledgeable members and moderators in here suggested I see a vet I wouldn't disregard it as freely as you seem to be. And I certainly wouldn't attack theme for their opinion when you asked for it.. $50 is a small price to pay for peace of mind. I don't know..you seem a bit hostile over people trying to help you.
It seems to me you just want to hear the advice that you don't have to take your dog to the vet. You asked for advice and you got it. It's up to you to choose what to do with it. If the warts end up being nothing then you saved $50. But if some knowledgeable members and moderators in here suggested I see a vet I wouldn't disregard it as freely as you seem to be. And I certainly wouldn't attack theme for their opinion when you asked for it.. $50 is a small price to pay for peace of mind. I don't know..you seem a bit hostile over people trying to help you.

Thank you for all the posts that directly relate to my question and thread topic, They've been very helpful.
Right. Well if you'd like to cover the vet bill be my guest. I think it goes without saying I posted my question to a forum and if I we're going to pay for the vet to tell me I wouldn't have posted. I think I posted my thoughts on a vet visit in response to 2bullymama and didn't really need a 2nd post to reassert her opinion. Thanks.

Why ask for advice if your not going to take it, big deal $50 for peace of mind
Ignored because it wasn't what you wanted to hear? If I were a moderator in this forum Id ban you based on your lack of civility alone. You are fairly new to this forum and from what I can see won't be a member much longer. I was trying to be civil on my last post but now the gloves come off. My first thought when I read this thread was you're a moron. Now I'm convinced of it. This is a forum where information and advice is shared with no judgment. You violated that in your second post. You're more of a FB type (I refer to them as Faceholes). I pray for your poor little Frenchies. Hey I'll send you $50 to take them to a vet.
Ignored because it wasn't what you wanted to hear? If I were a moderator in this forum Id ban you based on your lack of civility alone. You are fairly new to this forum and from what I can see won't be a member much longer. I was trying to be civil on my last post but now the gloves come off. My first thought when I read this thread was you're a moron. Now I'm convinced of it. This is a forum where information and advice is shared with no judgment. You violated that in your second post. You're more of a FB type (I refer to them as Faceholes). I pray for your poor little Frenchies. Hey I'll send you $50 to take them to a vet.


Why bother to keep responding with snippy comments if you could care less and you're "ignoring"?

Good luck to OP & their frenchie... Who hopefully is the most healthy French Bulldog on planet earth since a vet visit is a "waste of money" unless it's absolutely needed.
Hello everybody,
since this thread started some flaming around here and my peaceful nature is not resonating with this :P , I'm going to try and shed some light on the subject.
For this, I'll attach a photo so that you may see the difference between canine papilloma virus(top) and the typical serrated folds present in many animals(bottom) which, as a 1918 Journal of Anatomy states(JOURNAL OF ANATOMY-THE SUBLINGUA AND THE PLICA FIMBRIATA. By FREDERIC WOOD JONES, Professor of Anatomy in the University, London, School of Medicine):
"Since the lemurine toothbrush is an elaboration of the fold upon the free portion of the tongue, it is natural to inquire if the whole basal structure may not have some such function, and that this is the true explanation of the presence of these folds appears to be extremely probable. Such a view is strengthened by the fact that their development is certainly not an isolated thing, for upon the outer side of the dental series an exactly similar serrated fold is, in many animals, produced from the lower lips. This curious fold is well seen in the dog, and, so far as I know, no purpose has ever been ascribed to it; but I believe its true role is a cleanser of the teeth, and that the same service is performed within the mouth by the folds which lie below the tongue."

Thank you [MENTION=200]Chris[/MENTION]tianL. Great info.
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