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Ciao from Ripley and Kora!


New member
Sep 12, 2017
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Just wanted to introduce myself and my two loves, Ripley and Kora!


Kora is our 12 year old saint, and Ripley is our 19 week old little monster. Glad to have found this forum, as with a new puppy I've got so much I want to share, ask, know, learn!

Welcome to you, Kora and Ripley! Beautiful babies you have there!
Welcome, your babies are super cute...can't imagine you'd have a troublemaker on your hands with that face, lol!

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Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and sweet comments!

Solid pair, how are they getting along?

Short version: they are best buddies!

Long version: to be honest, we were a bit hesitant about getting a puppy, mostly because of Kora's age and the fact that she's not really a dog's dog. She's not aggressive, but she has never tolerated hyper or intrusive dogs much. She has always kept her distance, and met any curious dog with raised hackles and a grunt. And what's more hyper and intrusive than a puppy?! :excited: So we made the commitment that we would not let Ripley pester Kora and would keep them separate when we weren't home, at least until Ripley grew out of her annoying puppy phase. Yeah... well... :biglaugh: It turns out that Kora is a saint, and from day one, she treated Ripley as if she were her own puppy, giving her license to be a puppy, chewing on Kora's ears and feet and jowls, but also putting her in her place when she got totally out of control, played too hard or rough. We were (and still are!) just so in awe of how patient and good and gentle Kora is with her. It melted my heart when for the first time in her 12 years of life I saw Kora playing with another dog, and made me realise we should have probably gotten her company years ago! Kora is still very independent, she's the kind of dog that is just fine if left alone - Ripley on the other hand cannot STAND to be far away from Kora, unless she's with one of us. She is the epitome of a clingy frenchie. For the first few days, before we were 100% sure that Ripley wouldn't drive Kora up a wall with her antics while we were gone, we kept them separate when we had to leave the house for short errands. Ripley hated it, and we were pretty sure we were going to have a dog with separation anxiety on our hands. As soon as we let her stay with Kora, she calmed down. She just glues herself to Kora, and if Kora sleeps, she sleeps. We of course bought a second bed when we got the puppy, thinking "one for each." Waste of money, as they both, even now that Ripley is almost Kora's size, still squeeze into the same bed. It's Ripley's doing, as I'm sure Kora would be just as content to have her bed to herself, but she is so sweet that she just lets Ripley get in and snuggle with her.

from our doggycam :D even the stuffed chicken doesn't get left out...

Welcome and they are beautiful. So happy they are getting along, it sure makes things a whole lot better. It doesn't surprise me though as most adult Frenchies are good with pups.
Just wanted to introduce myself and my two loves, Ripley and Kora!

View attachment 10760

Kora is our 12 year old saint, and Ripley is our 19 week old little monster. Glad to have found this forum, as with a new puppy I've got so much I want to share, ask, know, learn!


Kora and Ripley are beautiful. Welcome!!
Puppies have a way of rejuvenating adult dogs. We've seen it several times.
They bring new energy. It's wonderful that yours have bonded.
Are you a Sci - Fi fan? There's another Ripley here.
. :yes:

Are you a Sci - Fi fan? There's another Ripley here.
. :yes:

You betcha! :D She's our little alien-slayer. In fact we have decided that if we get another dog in the future, his/her name is going to be Alien (for short, Al or Ali :-P). If we get a cat, Jones!

The other names we were debating were Leia :starwars:, Scully, and Daenerys. If we had gotten a male, his name would have been Sigmeyer of Catarina (Ziggy), a video game character. So, yeah, we're nerds!! :gamers:
You betcha! :D She's our little alien-slayer. In fact we have decided that if we get another dog in the future, his/her name is going to be Alien (for short, Al or Ali :-P). If we get a cat, Jones!

The other names we were debating were Leia :starwars:, Scully, and Daenerys. If we had gotten a male, his name would have been Sigmeyer of Catarina (Ziggy), a video game character. So, yeah, we're nerds!! :gamers:

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