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Clancy Neutered Today

I'm glad he's feeling better! With my BT Uma I have to give her a pill like I did when I had a cat. Sit her in between my legs with her back to me, tilt the head and shove the pill down and then hold her mouth closed so she will swallow. Sometimes it takes me a few tries. She's crafty and will spit it out if I don't push the pill down far enough. Good luck with Clancy!

What a chore! I put Jax's in a little bit of peanut butter and he eats it right up. All I have to do is shake the pill bottle and Jax will come running cause he knows he's going to get some peanut butter!
What a chore! I put Jax's in a little bit of peanut butter and he eats it right up. All I have to do is shake the pill bottle and Jax will come running cause he knows he's going to get some peanut butter!

He's smart! Wally will eat the pill without having to disguise it. I just say 'hey Wally! Want to eat this??' and he will chomp it down without knowing what it is. :D
Pill giving... What has worked for is for 10yrs... Vanilla ice cream, just enough to cover pill. Too cold to do anything but swallow
Wow...these are all great ideas for pill giving. He has become very smart and knows what is coming. Cream cheese, peanut butter and plain cheese doesn't work.

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