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Nov 3, 2016
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Hello - i've got a 10 week French Bulldog puppy who has a very runny nose and gets very blocked up at night and it sounds like he is struggling to breath and it keeps him awake, it's a very alarming sound. I've spoken to the vet and they said they aren't concerned about it. I think it might be allergies and his nose gets runny when I take him outside. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Does the nose discharge have any color to it... yellow or green or is it clear?

At 10 weeks I would not think it is allergies just yet.... going to tag a few members for more insight
I agree, at 10 weeks old, allergies usually don't show up. I would be concerned, and find a good Frenchie vet and take your baby there.
Thanks for the messages! It's completely clear but i'm keeping an eye on it. I've taken him to the vet twice this week and been told it's nothing to worry about. The vet did say it could be an underlying problem and gave him a allergy shot yesterday to see if helps with allergies. His eyes are also a bit red and weepy so could be a viral thing. We've only had him for a week so I thought it could be environmental. I'm just looking into all solutions to make sure Ollie is okay.
Also did he recently have an intranasal vaccine? He could have had a reaction. Both of mine have severe allergies but they did not show up until around 5 months of age so I agree that 10 weeks seems a bit young to be showing symptoms from allergies.
This happened with Nellie at 3-4 months old. I was concerned abs every time I took her outside she's have runny nose with discharge but clear and the trouble breathing. I started giving her liquid Benadryl in the mornings abs it eventually stopped. Now when we are outside she'd have the occasional sneeze but no more runny nose or wheezy breath. Hers was in the spring/summer though. She's 8 months now
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