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Dave has an infection.

Daves Mum

New member
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
In the skin folds under his tail, he said its been rubbing together and got sore, given antibiotics and painkiller for a week and goes back next Monday.
He said as he gets bigger it may not happen again, but if it does then the only option is surgery to remove some skin.
He also checked his anal glands which made my poor baby really cry out in pain! I almost cried for him.
Oh no :( Im sorry to hear this!

I hope it disappears and he doesnt need surgery.

As for the anal glands its important that his stool his hard. That way they empty themselves whenever he poops.
Chia Seeds may also help because they are high in fiber which helps with anal glands impactions.
Hope he gets better!!! Gotta keep those tail pockets clean.

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Thanks all, his poo is ok, not runny or soft.

I just wish i could cuddle him properly.
OUCH... poor little guy. hope it heals up quick
Poor boy, sounds pretty painful. Keeping it clean and dry helps, and even a little Desitin helps.
Poor guy. Hope he feels better soon.
Poor little guy! Hope he's back to 100% very soon!

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All dogs need their anal glands cleaned. They should be done when you bathe him. Have your vet show you how, it's easy and will keep him healthy. Ears, nails, teeth and anal glands are all bath day pleasures :-D
His anal glands were fine, thanks all for your concerns and comments.
He is getting better now cos i can puck him up properly xxx