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Does Cherry eye ever just go away?

Nicole G

Jan 13, 2016
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I was just wondering if there's ever been a case of it leaving on it's own? I've been debating over scheduling Ellie's eye surgery for weeks now, and I had someone tell me yesterday that their dog's fixed itself when he was about a year. Should I wait till she's one?
From my understanding, cherry eyes will only get worse as the dog grows. How old is your puppy now? Mind sharing some of his pictures with us?

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When my dog had cherry eye it worked itself back in but came back out the very next morning and stayed for good.

The risks of your dog scratching at it, something getting into the dogs eye and injuring it, etc are higher than the cherry eye retracting on its own permanently IMO. I wasn't willing to take that risk.

Everyone has a personal preference though. But I would just go ahead with the surgery. It's not an extreme emergency, so you don't have to rush, but my girl was pawing at her eye almost immediately, so I knew it was going to become an emergency if I didn't do something.

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We had 2 English Bulldogs with cherry eye and could massage them back in but they always came back so we had them fixed. That is what i would do again!
In most cases it needs to be surgically fixed to stop the reoccurrence.... I'm sure there is the anomaly where it fixed itself, but it is rare
That's what I thought.

Here's my next question: is it possible for them to safely use a local or do they have to knock them out? Some vets advertise that they will give them a sedative and then a local while they fix it.
They will usually always come back, so the best thing is to have it fixed. I would tell your vet to tack it. That usually always works and if it comes back you can have it tacked again. This way you don't have to worry about them getting dry eye if they cut too much of the third eye lid and get some of the tear ducts. Cutting it out would be my last resort.
That's what I thought.

Here's my next question: is it possible for them to safely use a local or do they have to knock them out? Some vets advertise that they will give them a sedative and then a local while they fix it.

My girl was under anesthesia for her cherry eye repair. Didn't have it removed, just tacked back into place.