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Dog is chewing his paws all the time (for a year now)


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Sep 14, 2013
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My frenchi is chewing is paws all the time, loosing hair in on the paws (legs) and on his face (photos attached).
I want to all the Vets available here (we live in Cabarete Dominican Republic) and nothing help.
He is loosing a lot of body hair all the time, you can't even pet him without getting all your hands full of hair...

He is eating this food:

Can you please share your thoughts and maybe help me helping him :(

Sounds like allergies. It might be food related or environmental. You can try switching his food to a grain free kibble to see if that helps.
Your ROCO probably has allergies. I have not heard of that brand of food but it contains both chicken and corn and Bulldogs are frequently allergic to both. I have had food allergy tests done (blood) and although they aren't perfect, it gives you a place to start. Another option is to do a slow food change to a limited ingredient food, that would be a trial/error process. Many people here feed Fromm. I'm thinking it is food allergy rather than environment because it is year around, but it could be to carpet or something else in your house.
I changed his food several times and nothing helped. this food is actually the last one i tried.
we live in the caribbeans (Dominican Republic) so he was always a lot in the ocean / beach. I stopped taking him for a month now , changed where we walk him. still nothing.
Can you please recommend a specific food that is recommended for french bulldog ?
Hi There Rocco and Dad! Here is your issue----Whole Ground Corn, Whole Ground Wheat The corn is not helping (makes their muscles run "hot"...but the wheat is a deal breaker.....Not sure what brands are available to you there--not swimming in the salt everyday is good, but his itching and loss of hair is from within- commonly called allergies but is really a immune reaction to the wheat----my frenchies and chihuahuas only eat Dave's Delicate Kibble with a bit of wet food in hot water to pre moisten. That's it- NO treats--NO table foods except green beans every now and then. It takes a minimum of sixty days for them to slough off the cells thru their skin---so many owners get frustrated because they do not see results from a food in a couple of weeks.......And my Frenchies have NO eye goo or "tear" stains......but the human has to be strict- NOTHING but their kibble as snacks, meals or treats......it pays off! Try to look for a lamb kibble with NO Corn, NO wheat and NO soy......unless you go raw, you have to eliminate those 3 ingredients or the Frenchies can smell and look terrible!!! Hope this helps! Terri
I would most definite say its allergies.

I (as always) recommend a raw diet. However if you for whatever reason cant switch to a raw diet at least switch to a higher quality kibble like Acana or Go! . I dont know what brands you can get your hands on but defintely try to find something Grain Free and with little or non fillers such as corn ,rice etc. and high quality ingredients.
yes roco Dad...that is the affordable kibble i feed all of my dogs- I have 10! So i supplement with some green beans sometimes but I definitely mix some wet dog food that is lamb based (no chicken or beef) and I have excellent results...there are sooooo mmany good foods out there----but eliminate the wheat and soy for sure from whatever mix you get! and stick with it! Can't wait to hear and see when you notice a difference!
Try any good grain free food. I tell people if it has corn in it, put it back on the shelf. We feed FROMM 4 star grain free food. plus chicken is known to cause allergies in some Frenchies.
I feed Buster Nature's Variety Instinct Limited Ingredient Lamb. He is doing well on it. I also give him fresh fruit (not grapes) and fresh veggies! His favs are strawberries and apples!
I feed Buster Nature's Variety Instinct Limited Ingredient Lamb. He is doing well on it. I also give him fresh fruit (not grapes) and fresh veggies! His favs are strawberries and apples!

Are grapes bad? I never feed fruit to my dogs (except the occasional piece of watermelon), but I've never heard anything bad about grapes.
Thank you everyone I will drive around to see what I can find here, worst case I will order it on Amazon.
I knew that about raisins. Why didn't I think about grapes? :blush2: I feel so dumb.
I'm sure you vet has checked for this, but I wanted to be sure.....Have they done a skin scrapping and looked to mange? Ollie lost patches of his hair and he had demodex. Now that is not itchy. It's probably the food. Ollie is WAY allergic to Corn and it looks like you have corn in the food. He scratched himself RAW.
Are grapes bad? I never feed fruit to my dogs (except the occasional piece of watermelon), but I've never heard anything bad about grapes.
This is from the ASPCA...
Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins have recently been associated with the development of kidney failure in dogs. At this time, the exact cause of the kidney failure isn’t clear, nor is it clear why some dogs can eat these fruits without harm, while others develop life-threatening problems after eating even a few grapes or raisins. Some dogs eat these fruits and experience no ill effects—but then eat them later on and become very ill. Until the cause of the toxicosis is better identified, the safest course of action is to avoid feeding grapes or raisins to your dog. Dogs experiencing grape or raisin toxicosis usually develop vomiting, lethargy or diarrhea within 12 hours of ingestion. As signs progress, dogs become increasingly lethargic and dehydrated, refuse to eat and may show a transient increase in urination followed by decreased or absent urination in later stages. Death due to kidney failure may occur within three to four days, or long-term kidney disease may persist in dogs who survive the acute intoxication. Successful treatment requires prompt veterinary treatment to maintain good urine flow
MAN is it just me or is this summer really bad for most dogs? i find chowder chewing on his foot all the time too. Im gonna try to change his food first then maybe get him on benedryl. I can tell its bugging him cause he'll play lick/gnaw at his foot then repeat all the time.
i was hoping its just because he just recently went out and got contact with grass for the first time, that hes itching. We'll see
MAN is it just me or is this summer really bad for most dogs? i find chowder chewing on his foot all the time too. Im gonna try to change his food first then maybe get him on benedryl. I can tell its bugging him cause he'll play lick/gnaw at his foot then repeat all the time.
i was hoping its just because he just recently went out and got contact with grass for the first time, that hes itching. We'll see

Ollie itched and scratched himself raw during the first couple months. changed his food 5 times! Blue Buffalo Wilderness works. He has some gassy problems, but it's much better than itching problems. LOL Tony - you will need to be PATIENT. When changing the food it will take a month or so before you can begin to see results! The corn, wheat soy and grains can take a LOT time to leave the body and remove the itchiness. So be patient!
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