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Doggy booster/carseat

We don't use those. We either put them in a harness and fasten it to the car, or put them in their crate, when in the car.
Let me know if you get it. I am looking for something for Olivia and Wilson to ride in.
I have something similar for Jax. I think 2 puppies would be able to fit in it together but not sure about 2 adults.
Our boys ride in a crate, EB Ruggles happily jumps in, Buster puts his paws up and I hoist him in. He is perfectly able to jump in himself, it;s his way of protesting, he'd rather not be in a crate because he can't see out the windows!
We have a crate for long journeys or when all the kids are in the car. I want something when it's just me and the pups in the car so they can look out the window etc :) think might have to get 2! or get another 7 seater car!
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