Eating kitty litter and anything else found in the kitty litter


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Apr 6, 2017
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Our little girl just turned 5 months and discovered the kitty litter box. At first she just gave a sniff and left it alone. Today however as I was eating breakfast she dove in head first and "cleaned up" the mess the cat left from the night before. I know now she's not ready to have this much access around the house yet. Is this common? Can I be harmful? Has anyone experienced this before?

Hi there!

Cat poo can be like 'crack' to a dog. Not uncommon at all for dogs to eat it... it just smells like food to them.

Find some place he can nit get to it and train him to 'leave it'

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Like Christine said, all dogs love cat poo. You have to keep it where she can't get to it!
We bought a Rubbermaid container and cut a hole it the top of the cover for a litter box. Works great and Emmy can't get to it!
Unfortunately our cat has about 7 lbs on our little girl. Not sure if a hole he can fit into she wouldn't try as well. Lol! We are training her to avoid the litter box. Let's hope it works!

Thanks everyone!