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Episodes not sure if seizures or something else


Nov 4, 2019
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Since he was about 3 Rocco has been having these episodes where he looks scared then he starts stumbling when trying to walk, trembles, sometimes foams are the mouth and he extends his legs out and goes all tense. sometimes he’s sick when he has and episode and almost always has a runny poop afterward. He has one of these episodes about once per month, he just had one and he was unsteady for around an hour so we took him to the emergency vet where they gave him some drugs that treat epilepsy. What they gave him settled him down and stabilised him. I’m not sure what to do next. If I can I will attach a video of an episode
It sounds like seizures to me but he doesn't need daily medication unless he has more than one isolated seizure per month, clusters of multiple seizures per day, or a clear pattern of increasing frequency or severity of seizures.

Also,they should rule out other causes than isolated epilepsy causing the seizures , such as liver disease.

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Had blood tests etc and the vet seems to think the episodes are related to BOAS and wants him to have BOAS surgery
Had blood tests etc and the vet seems to think the episodes are related to BOAS and wants him to have BOAS surgery

Did they evaluate his palate?

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