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Excessive salivating while in crate at home

Glad to hear of the improvement! Jax used to get confined to the kitchen as well with just his bed and water and then he graduated to being able to free range in the living room. But then he was diagnosed with IVDD, we got another dog and then we moved and the downstairs is an open floor plan so not easy to block one room off so for his own safety, both dogs go in their crates when home alone and they are fine.

I think that is great that they do great in their crates solo - I wish Leo was the same..He does okay in the crate when someone is home but alone is another story..confined to the kitchen forevermore it is!
I think that is great that they do great in their crates solo - I wish Leo was the same..He does okay in the crate when someone is home but alone is another story..confined to the kitchen forevermore it is!

Jax will bark for 5 minutes or so but then he will just go to sleep.
I thought I'd update everyone since it's been a few weeks and all your suggestions were very helpful so thanks :) Leo continued to salivate in the crate whether it was 1 hour or 4 hours alone and even with a used sweater/shirt :( I bought some Hemp/CBD treats and figured I'd try confining him to just the kitchen with his crate in there and his bed/a few toys. I give a treat before I go and he has access to water. He is no longer soaking wet down his chest and hasn't had an accident - I think just being able to get up and sniff around for dropped crumbs in the kitchen eased his anxiety and the treats also probably helped as well. He hasn't had an accident nor has he chewed on any furniture but he did get into my shoes once when I left them at the back door of the kitchen (my fault)...so there it is! I now come home to a dog that is super sleepy in his crate in the kitchen who makes me bend down to greet him instead of a soaked, wide awake mess! Thanks everyone for your suggestions and help. I will probably never give him free range of the house because he is an opportunist and will get into something if given the chance...but I feel so much better he isn't a soaking wet mess anymore and is actually calm when I get home. :)

great update... so happy you were able to find something to work for him! If the kitchen works... stay with it
Love this happy update! Yay! Kudos to you for sticking with it and trying things that made you comfortable until you found something that worked. Good job Leo!
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