hi, this is my first time posting something so sorry if its long. my spike is 7 months old now. i have had him for 2 months. when we got spike he was a little neglected. he had a cough, running nose, the tips of his ears were not healthy, he also had diarrhea and goo in his eye. we took him straight to a vet. the vet gave us clavamox, metronidazole, c.e.t chlorhexidine 0.12% rinse, gentazol, famotidine (didnt give to him), fortflora, cough tabs (didn't give to him) and strongid. they tested spike for parvo and it was negative. the vet also let us know that spike was 5 or 6 months not 4 months like we were told. i didnt really care for the vet so the next day i took spike to another vet. the new vet told me just give spike the antibiotic and when spike is done he will check him again. a couple of days later i notice blood in spikes poop. i took spike back to the new vet and he said finish the medicine and we will retest his poop for parasites. spike was positive for giardia. the vet said since spike is already on antibiotics he will test spikes poop again after to see if the meds killed the giardia. on a good note spike was fine besides the blood in his poop. i took spike back to the vet and they tested his poop again and the giardia was gone but now spike was positive for a parasite. the vet gave spike panacur for 3 days but spike still had blood in his poop. at this point spike would have good days with just a little blood in his poop and other days he would have bloody mucus diarrhea and it smelled terrible. i took spike back to the vet for another poop test, it was negative. the vet told me spike has a sensitive stomach so the gave spike endosorb, hills diet i/d food, fortiflora and another poop test. the poop test came back negative but the vet gave spike metronidazole anyways. spike is still the same and the vet wants us to see a specialist for colonoscopy. we got spike 7/8/17 and to this day 9/18/17 he has been on 6 different foods, because i thought maybe it was the food. now spike is getting a rash on his arms, chest, around his eyes and his right ear stared flopping down. im going to go see a 3rd vet. thanks everyone and sorry its so long.