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Foods for Frenchies and the amount that is needed?


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Aug 1, 2016
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I was just wondering if anybody can give me a good idea of what is a precise amount of food to feed a French. Frank eats twice a day, and some days he will get some apple chunks or cucumber chunks or some raw carrot chunks. He loves it all. we even give him a little plain greek yogurt every now and then. He is currently on Fromm Dog Food for puppies for about another 2 months until he turns 1. We give him about a cup, maybe a little less, or maybe a little more. He doesn't really rush his food anymore like he used to unless its got some apple chunks or a little glob of chunky peanut butter in it. Are we doing the right thing or is there anything I need to know?
I will put my Frenchie on adult food when he's around 8 months. I will go by what the bag says but I will also adjust it either way to keep his weight perfect. He's currently on Fromm and is doing great!

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I also feed Fromm and went to adult at 8 mths. I would also cur back the amount of food at 1 year to 1/2 cup per feeding. With the veggies/fruit and any other treats that should be plenty for him

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Go ahead and swtich him to FROMM adult food the next time you need to buy a bag. We feed FROMM also and feed Henri 3/4 cup twice a day, and the females 1/2 cup twice a day, and they are maintaining their weight fine, except Hazel, seen she is older now, we had to reduce her food because she was getting too chunky. So it really depends on your Frenchie as too how much, but this is a good starting point.
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