Oh Jessica I'm so sorry you are going through all of this right out of the gate with your new lil pup. He's so sweet and I hope he feels better soon and that he is not completely deaf.
His whole situation makes me so mad at that breeder. How uncaring and irresponsible! I can't imagine how you feel. I wish him the best though, and he is lucky to have ended up with you.
Dear LORD you have had your fill and then some.... so sorry all this is going on with him -- I hope he heals up quick and the hearing is not total.
we have a member over on EBN that has a deaf pitbull and she trained her on everything - video to show it all so if you need it, there are people out ther to help you work with him.
sending lots of positive thoughts to all of you
This is so sad. Deaf or not, at least he has a loving home where he will be taken care of and appreciated for his entire life. I remember while doing my research on Frenchie's before I bought mine that deafness is common among French Bulldogs with heads that are almost completely white, because of a recessive gene. I wonder if this is true? And if so, maybe more Frenchie owners out there you can share training techniques with.
We actually thought Hudson was deaf as a puppy and even the vet wasn't sure. But it turned out he was just a terrible listener. Maybe you'll get good news with the full hearing test!
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[MENTION=894]blushy[/MENTION] - Hi Jessica! Wishing you all the best with Titan!!! Deaf Dogs Rock (deafdogsrock.com and they are on FB) is a rescue that is run in my town, and they have really great resouces and videos on teaching hand signs.
We went through something very similar with Wilson when we brought him home (passive regurgitation issues, I was weighing him on a food scale on the kitchen counter twice a day and when he dropped under 3.5lbs I flipped!). However, our breeder was very supportive, offered to refund our money, pay vet expenses, etc. Like you, at that point, Wilson was OURS. He absolutely wasn't going back. And, it turns out he is also unilaterally deaf! Before hooking up with Deaf Dogs Rock, I had NO idea there are as many deaf dogs out there as there are.
That is so great that you found something to laugh about (his name) in all of this!!! We were thinking about calling Wilson 'Bubbagump' for a while. But I realized I didn't think I could be in public calling for Bubba to come here...
Keep us posted with all of this.