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Frenchie or Boston?

Eeturk, the size the exact same. He was the only brindle one... The rest were black and white. His face was a little more wrinkley too... Overall though, without a good look you wouldn't be able to tell. I've researched the DNA tests and many people say they are not 100% accurate. And frenchiedante, she said she will do the papers but still hasn't gotten around to it..hadn't registered the litter or anything... It sounds really sketchy.
You said the Frenchie wasnt from her breeding ,but a pick out of another litter. So his registration/the litter he is out of isnt up to her,its the responsibilty of the dams owner.
But you're right this all seems kinda scetchy.
How old is your puppy? The only thing that makes me thing frenchton is the fact that his legs are so long. I just brought a frenchie puppy home and did consider a boston terrier sheiks back and all of the frenchton puppies just seem to be less thick. That said apparently there can be a lot of variation is shape and size for FBD pups. He's cute regardless. Just hope you didn't spend a fortune on something that isn't what you were hoping for :/
He's 16 wks. I actually tried to get the breeder to send anything that confirms he's a Frenchie and she got mad at me for no reason. I'm just over it at this point... Shes not sending papers anymore. My Loki is cute so I don't care anymore. If I got ripped off ... Well I guess I got to just take the hit.
He's 16 wks. I actually tried to get the breeder to send anything that confirms he's a Frenchie and she got mad at me for no reason. I'm just over it at this point... Shes not sending papers anymore. My Loki is cute so I don't care anymore. If I got ripped off ... Well I guess I got to just take the hit.

It's amazing how many sub-par breeders are out there...even in the Frenchie world, where one might think that health/genetic standards should be #1 priority considering the preexisting conditions of the breed.

During our search for one, we met a lady who became angry when my husband asked to see where the pups were contained during the day.
If you think I'm going to drop 2.5k+ for a puppy whose living conditions I cannot even see, then screw you. Lol.

And yet, they will always sell, thus perpetuating the cycle, because there are always those rich, oblivious nincompoops who will buy anything and keep them in business.
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