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Frenchie Puppy Sick - Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Depressed


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Feb 3, 2018
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Hi all,

My poor frenchie puppy (7.5 months old, weighing 8.5kg) has been very sick since this morning.

He was on his normal diet of dry food since the last 3 months (Trainer - Hypoallergenic, which has worked wonders on his skin), until we started giving him wet food this weekend (also Trainer - Hypoallergenic) mixed with his usual dry food. On Saturday and Sunday he ate the wet food and was completely fine, however this morning, he regurgitated and vomited 5 times.

Over the last few months, we have given him wet food now and then over the weekend and he has reacted fine to it. He also eats bananas and strawberries too, however I noticed recently he started to regurtitate once having eaten these so now I have stopped giving to him.

I have to say that he does vomit occassionaly at night sometimes, but nothing compared to what I saw this morning. His whole body was contracting, it was horrible to watch! The occassional vomit at night was not too much concern as I read on the internet that this was common for frenchies..

Any one know what it could be? His vomit did not have any foreign bodies in it!

I also must add that he has had soft stools since the day I got him, these have never been solid. They thicken now and again, but always very soft. This weekend they have been purely liquid - I think maybe the cause of the wet food.

If any one knows of another thread where something like this has been answered before, please redirect me.

Thank you for your help!
He may have some sort of parasite such as giardia or coccidia causing loose stools and vomiting may have been from swallowing a foreign body so it is a good idea to go to vet to get him checked. I would also try a dehydrated raw or frozen raw - not sure what brands are available in Italy but make sure it's not chicken and it's grain free.
I would take him to the vet.

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Hi all,

My poor frenchie puppy (7.5 months old, weighing 8.5kg) has been very sick since this morning.

He was on his normal diet of dry food since the last 3 months (Trainer - Hypoallergenic, which has worked wonders on his skin), until we started giving him wet food this weekend (also Trainer - Hypoallergenic) mixed with his usual dry food. On Saturday and Sunday he ate the wet food and was completely fine, however this morning, he regurgitated and vomited 5 times.

Over the last few months, we have given him wet food now and then over the weekend and he has reacted fine to it. He also eats bananas and strawberries too, however I noticed recently he started to regurtitate once having eaten these so now I have stopped giving to him.

I have to say that he does vomit occassionaly at night sometimes, but nothing compared to what I saw this morning. His whole body was contracting, it was horrible to watch! The occassional vomit at night was not too much concern as I read on the internet that this was common for frenchies..

Any one know what it could be? His vomit did not have any foreign bodies in it!

I also must add that he has had soft stools since the day I got him, these have never been solid. They thicken now and again, but always very soft. This weekend they have been purely liquid - I think maybe the cause of the wet food.

If any one knows of another thread where something like this has been answered before, please redirect me.

Thank you for your help!

Any update? This seems very concerning
Hi all, I took him to the vet. They told me he has a fever - he was given 2 injections to stop the vomiting and reduce his fever.

They are not sure what it could be, so we are taking him back again in 2 days for another check-up.

He has had giardia previously in the first 1 month that we had him, but after 3 rounds of antibiotics we cleared it up. Had confirmation a few days ago from his final test that it was all gone.

Any ideas on what could have caused the fever?

It's been very hot recently and then was very cold and raining so I'm not sure if it is weather related at all.

He has only vomited once since the injections and his energy levels are back. But still want to know what caused the fever in the first place!
Hi all, I took him to the vet. They told me he has a fever - he was given 2 injections to stop the vomiting and reduce his fever.

They are not sure what it could be, so we are taking him back again in 2 days for another check-up.

He has had giardia previously in the first 1 month that we had him, but after 3 rounds of antibiotics we cleared it up. Had confirmation a few days ago from his final test that it was all gone.

Any ideas on what could have caused the fever?

It's been very hot recently and then was very cold and raining so I'm not sure if it is weather related at all.

He has only vomited once since the injections and his energy levels are back. But still want to know what caused the fever in the first place!

Probably a virus if he really did have a fever, or something he ate if he didn't.
Fever could be a number of reasons.... please keep us posted

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Vet checked him out the second time and he is much better! Completely fine now :) They gave him another injection for antibiotics to complete the course, but he is back to normal now :) It must have been some kind of virus, but is that normal? I understand frenchies are more delicate than other breeds, but I find myself constantly worried about him! First with the giardia, then the crusty ears, and now a fever. Also, he has only developed one testicle, so I need to have a scan done to find out where his other one is hiding! :ashamed:
Wow, poor baby. He sure has had quite a time! I'm glad he is feeling better though.
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