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Sara and Hugo

New member
Aug 20, 2015
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Hi all

I have a 5 month old Frenchie called Hugo . He's so cute but he has really bad stomach problems. He's not unwell but he always has diarrhoea and wow it stinks. Any words of wisdom will be appreciated xx
Hi Sara!
Welcome to FBN!

Has Hugo been tested for coccidiosis, and giardia?
Those are two parasites that can cause you a lot of trouble in that department!

If not, I would definitely phone the vet and ask about that!
I would let the vet check him out. Something must be causing the continous diarrhea and if it lasts long there is a risk of the puppy getting dehydrated.
He definitely needs to be checked by a Veterinarian. What do you feed him?
:welcome3: to FBN.... agree with others, he needs to be tested for parasites. Also, curious what food you are feeding (protein) and how much at each meal
Welcome! Great advice to get him checked out. He may just need a different kind of food.
Welcome! I agree with everyone else. Definitely have him tested for parasites and if he is negative, it can potentially be food related (too much food/sensitive to the food he is eating).
:smileywelcome: I agree with all the above. Get a vet check and make sure he is getting a good food and the correct amount, which is not necessarily what is recommended on the bag.
Welcome! Also agree to get him checked for parasites and if negative, switch to a different food or feed less.
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