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He loves the cold!


New member
Dec 28, 2016
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Ive never seen a dog love the cold and snow as much as Henry. Its been freezing out in NY and he never wants to go home from his walks!
Gorgeous photos! Henry looks quite dapper in his winter gear!
Haha! What a handsome boy!!

Gus doesn't seem to mind the cold, but I sure do!!!! :tongue:
Henry looks tougher than winter

ps Is that a hood on his coat?
Ive never seen a dog love the cold and snow as much as Henry. Its been freezing out in NY and he never wants to go home from his walks!

First of all, Henry is a beautiful specimen of a frenchie!!
Super handsome!! :yes:
That is a very cool outfit he has on!!!
I wonder how many frenchies love the cold??
We are having our winter here in South Florida this week,
It will get allllllllllllllll the way down into the 40s for a couple of nights!!!
Thanks for sharing the great pics!!
Henry is stylin' in his coat and boots! My dogs LOVE the snow also!
My Frenchie hates the cold. She runs out to back yard and does what she has to do, then runs back in. It's -20 celsius (-4 Fahrenheit ) here so I don't blame her.
Love his coat! Wally doesn't mind the cold at all. He's been known to squirrel watch on the deck at -10C. Crazy Frenchies.
Maybe it's the coat? Who wouldn't want the chance to wear that out lol. Handsome boy. Our Remy loves the snow but hates the cold without it.
Loki has a coat, but not as cool looking as Henry's.

He is a very handsome boy. So happy he likes the cold, and he looks so comfy in his coat and booties.