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Hello from Missouri


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Dec 30, 2015
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Hello all. My name is Melissa and I am so excited to be the proud new mama to Winston and Clementine. I finally took the plunge and got my new babies the Monday before Christmas. It has been a trying week and a half. My Clementine came from a litter that had come down with Parvo.
Thankfully she did not and checked out beautifully at the vet. I almost backed out due to the Parvo situation but one look at that face and I couldn't resist.

Winston is the small male fawn and has completely stolen my heart. IMG_0831.webp
He has had a bit of an intestinal issue since we got home and I have been very worried. But I think we have it worked out after a diet of chicken and rice for a few days his poops have firmed up and he seems to finally be putting on some weight.

I am a Critical Care nurse. This makes me a little hyper-vigilant. I have been reading posts on the FBN news to help my little guys transition better. Thank you all for the information.

Our Lola (welsh corgi) IMG_0578.webp has finally decided to allow them to stay. Initially she was not impressed with their cute little faces and wouldn't come out of the bedroom. She has been warming up to them and now guards and herds them around the house.

I have adopted adult Frenchies in the past. Gertrude Gertie.webp was rescued from the pound in Germany. She was the best friend to my daughterGert and Syd.webp; they were inseparable. However, she had a heart condition that prevented her from flying home with us when the military gave us orders back to the States. We found her a loving home with a wonderful German family. Toad was a rescue from here in Sedalia. She had gotten some sort of fungal infection that left her blind. But again that cute little face tugged at my heart and we brought her home and became her seeing eye people. Residuals from the infection left her heart weak also and she passed in the night about a year later.

With the issues from the first two frenchies, I had been a little hesitant to have my heart broken again. But I am so thrilled to have these babies. Here is to many years filled with their adorable antics.
What a wonderful intro.... best of luck with your new babies and so happy to hear your Lola is warmed up and doing her 'job'. All your babies, past and preset are adorable.

:welcome3: to FBN!
Welcome! Your new babies are adorable.
:hiii::peekaboo::welcome:Congrats but what a handful, can tell all ready a house filled with Love over flowing. You are going to love it here so many nice bully owners and a great sense of support, a few of us even think were funny like our furbabies / pets. Look forward to your future posts and pics :yes:
Welcome!! Your babies are gorgeous!! I got tired just reading about looking after 2 Frenchie pups. lol! Love Corgis! Such funny little dogs!
Hi and welcome from VA. After coming home with a brother and sister I know what you mean about a trying week. So glad that Clementine missed the virus. That's a nasty one.

Looking forward to hearing more about you all!
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