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HELP - Ingested Raisins


New member
Apr 8, 2019
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Hi guys,

My grandmother is visiting my family this weekend and snuck my 33 pound frenchie a few little bites of her cinnamon raisin bagel this morning. She says that the pieces didn't have any raisins but I highly doubt that. I can't imagine it was too many raisins but I'm still a little anxious. This was about an hour or hour and a half ago. I took him to an emergency vet and they said that it was likely not enough to cause any damage, but to bring him back in if he starts vomiting or having diarrhea but I'm nervous to just sit and wait. He's acting totally normal, and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with this and any suggestions on what to do.

Any advice or experiences would be really helpful.

I guess your vet is right but I'd have asked for a forced puke. Your dog may be one of the lucky ones who doesn't have a deadly reaction to raisins. Years ago I took one of my English Bulldogs to the vet because he ate a large section of his bed. The forced puke produced the bed part plus a blueberry. He jumped all over me because he thought it was a raisin or a grape! I don't allow raisins or grapes in the house when we have company.
He should be fine, the amount they need to take in is pretty high for it to be toxic, but like Alice,,, I just do not ring them in our house

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You did a great thing by bringing your Frenchie to the vet right away to be sure. It seems like he'll be okay from what I read, but yes, might be a good idea to not have raisins or grapes in the house if possible.
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