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Help, Possibly Ate Glass??


New member
Jul 21, 2016
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Flint is now 7 months old and he still likes to get his teeth into everything. Today he managed to jump up on to the table and chew a pair of glasses :stinkeye:
The piece that came out was quite small and we've found half of it but we aren't sure if he ate the rest or not (it's about half the size of my pinkie if that helps). Should we be overly worried, what should we watch for? The vet is closed and the out of hours vet is quite a drive away.
Oh my! Watch his poo for any blood.. and make an appointment with your vet as soon as they are back in. Any sign of blood in poo -- get to the ER

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Thanks, I hope he's alright >.< I think he's okay but just panicking a bit, haha.
Agree with [MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] Hope everything is okay.
I agree, check poo to see if it came through or if there is any blood. Also watch for signs of a blockage--throwing up, runny poo, etc.
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