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HELP Scratching till bleeding!!!


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Jun 3, 2016
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I have a six month old frenchie and we have been to the vet non stop for his itching. We've tried steroids, antibiotics, sprays creams, shampoos, etc. he is itching non stop to the point that tonight I pulled him off me to get off the couch and my shirt was covered in blood spots. He's currently eating fromm Gold puppy beef version and loves it. I'm not sure if this is dietary, environmental or chemical. Any advice what to do? I'm tired of seeing him be in so much pain.. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏼

Ps. He recently had surgery and had to have his belly shaved - could this be apart of it?
From my experience, 6 months old is too young to have allergic reactions towards food or environment, at least not full blown. You can get him tested for what's he allergic to. I always start with the food, go for anything single meat with no rice or any form of carbohydrates. Usually if steroids don't work, I am afraid it sounded like Demodex. Please get that tested. I hope the best to the little guy. GWS little buddy.

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The first thing I'd suggest is getting a t-shirt to minimise damage from the scratching - mine is in t-shirts just now for the exact same thing. Scratching himself until he's covered in blood.

Ours comes mainly from food allergies. I'd try to find a minimal ingredient food, and avoid known allergens such as chicken, beef. What worked for us was a salmon food. It had potato in it which caused yeast issues but it was significantly better than when he was on chicken and turkey. Hes very allergic to peas & pea protein too. He's suffered since he was 16 weeks old so it can happen young unfortunately.

We also have a dust mite allergy to deal with. As mentioned above its maybe worth trying out the allergy testing if possible to try and find out a bit more about what the cause may be. We wouldn't have known about the mite allergy without it, and we've just gone ahead with food testing as going through trials of proteins is making him too unwell. It's really tough. I totally sympathise with what you're going through.
Poor guy...he must be so miserable. Both of mine exhibited alergies at 5- 6 months of age. As mentioned above try putting a shirt on him to keep his nails from tearing his skin. We had to do this with Stella and it really helped. Have you tried any antihistamines? Also I would feed raw or a grain free, limited ingredient diet. I would also consider allergy testing. Good luck and I hope you can find him some relief soon.
I know he is miserable! Poor baby! Yes a shirt will help. I know your doing good food but does he get any treats? So many of my clients will have their dogs on expensive food and buy the nasty treats that are loaded with wheat and corn. Also I would definitely have him tested for Demodex, that's very common in the bully breeds. Good Luck keep us posted!

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I have a six month old frenchie and we have been to the vet non stop for his itching. We've tried steroids, antibiotics, sprays creams, shampoos, etc. he is itching non stop to the point that tonight I pulled him off me to get off the couch and my shirt was covered in blood spots. He's currently eating fromm Gold puppy beef version and loves it. I'm not sure if this is dietary, environmental or chemical. Any advice what to do? I'm tired of seeing him be in so much pain.. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated 

Ps. He recently had surgery and had to have his belly shaved - could this be apart of it?

As others have stated, since he is under a year old -- I would have a skin scrape to check for mange/mites... rule it out before messing with his food.
Zyrtec (Reactine,Cetirizine) is a good antihistamine to try. Here's a dosing chart I pulled from a vet web

This may be the best antihistamine for eosinophillic inflammation (one of the primary cell types associated with allergies). It is a formerly prescription-only medication that is now available over the counter.

Available in: 5mg and 10mg tablets


DOG WEIGHT (in pounds) Dose

Less than 15 One 5mg tablet once daily

15-39 5mg twice daily, or 10mg once daily

Over 40 10mg twice daily
As said above, they are not usually allergic to food at that age, but we had an English pup that did not do well on the FROMM Puppy Gold, as all out others have always done very well on it. We switched her to FROMM 4 Star grain free pork and peas and she did very well on it. It could be the chicken, so try FROMM 4 Star grain free Hasen Duckenpfeffer. It doesn't have chicken in it, and ours are doing well on it. Plus see if your vet will give him Temaril-P for itching.
Thank you guys so much for all of your advice! so far the itching and redness has decreased significantly. I'm unable to recall the topical that we were given but it has done wonders. We did have him tested for mites/mange/staph and he came back negative for all three. However he still does itch and cause irritation but not as severe as before. Our vet thinks that we should see a specialist within the next couple months if it continues to worsen!
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