Help with transitioning from pee pads to outside


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Dec 10, 2017
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Hello! We have had our loveable Frenchie Rambo since July. He is now 7m. We pee pad trained (with the Puppy Apartment that is a crate with a divider between the bed and pee pad area) since my husband and I work. It worked out well for awhile. He would sleep where is was supposed to and go potty on the pee pad where he was supposed to. But if we left him out in the pen with the doors open, he would get confused and pee on the floor. There were lots of accidents. So we decided to start the transition to outside potty training with a crate. But because he didn't have to hold it and could go when he needed to with the pee pads, he is now peeing in his crate and having accidents at night. We have been on a consistent schedule with him taking him outside, but he refuses to pee/poop outside. I know we have probably confused him by switching where he should pee/poop and we are kicking ourselves for not having taught him to go outside from the beginning. We are starting over unfortunately. Any advice would be appreciated! I know with Frenchies they can be stubborn and I have heard consistency is important. But, I can't figure out how to get him to go at least once outside so we have that potty party! He thrives on affection. So if we can get him to go and get that affection and reward, I think we'd be off to a good start! Thanks for any advice!
It is going to be back to potty training basics for Rambo! That may be your focus when you are off work a few days for Christmas, New Years--OH, JOY!!

The first thing I would try is taking him to a park or open field where other dogs go potty. He probably will want to sniff it and just maybe pee on top of it; then bring on the treats and good boys. Good luck!
We used a pad outside with Loki, with lavish praise and treats for success.

We always put a pad in the same spot outside, and, in the beginning, carried him out to the pad often to help things along.

Looks like all is fine now, but we were concerned before starting this routine that we were destined to have pads inside forever.
Thank you for your responses! Yes it's back to basics for us unfortunately, but I think we had a break through yesterday. He started protesting every time I took him to the same spot (Laying completely down on the floor). So, we changed the location of where we were taking him to a different part of the backyard and he went! We had the biggest potty party ever! He went 2 more times yesterday evening and no accidents over night and went again in the morning. I am hopeful we are on our way. No poops yet, but I'll take what I can get now. Thanks for all the advice. We really did have to go back to taxi'ing him over and being very consistent with his schedule. But who knew the location of where would make a difference!
But who knew the location of where would make a difference!

I'm starting to realize Frenchies march to the beat of a different drummer.

Glad to hear progress is being made.
Thank you for posting this! I am having a new fence put up this weekend so my girls can start going in the backyard, running off their energy and peeing/pooping outside. They are strictly indoors with pee pads and they have done very well going there. However I want my indoors to now be doggy accident free and will be using this thread as direction to accomplish my goal. :)
Sounds like you are on your way, just keep it up and before you know it this will be all behind you.