Hi Everyone ~ Sir Bentley in da house.


New member
Sep 29, 2016
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Greetings Everyone,

We have a wonderful fella, Bentley ~ who has recently joined our family. As a Cavalier mom for the last 15 years this is my first French Bulldog and when I say their personality's are PLUS- as you all know, they are.

Bentley is a special needs Frenchie having been born with a bi lateral hare lip. No Palate issues- just cosmetic and has been checked out thoroughly by 3 vets, 2 surgeons and the University of Madison medical clinic and a consult with a specialist in Michigan. Hes healthy, happy and the love of our lives. ( This is not to say there may not be issues in the future.... we are prepared. )

I was in search of a place that may have other special needs frenchies..... I know most are born with issues that require euthanasia- Bentley had the Grace of God looking over his shoulder, plus amazing Breeder that was willing and able to keep him in the best of care medically for survival. It was by Chance, Luck and Divine intervention he found his was to us~ His Breeder jokes he is just to special for simply anyone~ the crazy at my house... well..... we are special needs also! *wink*

To us, hes totally normal..... to you all ..... Smile ~ I dunno. You can view him if you like on his Instagram Page: Bentleytheblufrenchie

Thank you all for allowing us to read your story's, glean advise and for the personal love of the Breed. Im looking forward to getting to know all of you, and please~ If any of you also have a French Bulldog like Bentley reach out!
Welcome!! I will go check out your IG page for Bentley. I will bet he's gorgeous as all Frenchies are!
:welcome3: to FBN! Sure sounds like Bentley hit the jackpot with his new Momma .

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Welcome to the site, and bless you for giving him a loving home. :)