Hi Everyone😄


New member
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
Just wanted to introduce myself and my new gran-dog Milo! Hi I'm Kristi, I live in Alabama and have recently added our first Frenchie to our family. My 17 year old daughter has wanted one for sometime now, so after she made a 32 on her ACT we had to reward her hard work! Sorry had to brag on my only baby! Lol
Milo has been a complete joy! I've never had a dog that loves everyone! I told him he couldn't go to Lowes anymore cause a 5 min trip turned into an hour.
I'm happy to be apart of this group!

My goodness he is precious!

Congratulations on the new baby and you 'ild' baby getting such an awesome score -- brag as you should!

:welcome3: to FBN

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Welcome to FBN. Milo is adorable.
Welcome to you and Milo! What a cutie and what a great present for your daughter. I remember the days of those tests! My girls did fine when they would take a practice test, but then score lower when they actually took the test. So I decided to register them for the test and not tell them until the morning of. They would be so mad at me that they had no time to have test anxiety! Worked great!

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Welcome to the site and so happy you joined us. Your baby is just too precious. Can't wait to watch him grow. :)
Welcome to the site and so happy you joined us. Your baby is just too precious. Can't wait to watch him grow. :)

Thanks! My husband is a firefighter also.

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Welcome! Milo is a doll! I love that about the breed- they love everyone!! Kids, adults, and other animals too.