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Honey just went blind this week

When I got Honey as a rescue a few years ago, she was blind in one eye from scarring from a previous dog fight. Sadly, she just became completely blind this week. I took her to a vet opthalmologist and he said she has become blind in the other eye due to glaucoma. He put her on 2 glaucoma eye drops and a lubricant drop, and I have to revisit next week to get the pressure checked. The drops are to keep the pressure down so she won't be in pain, but he said it's extremely unlikely she will ever see again. What's even worse is that Honey is deaf in one ear on the same side due to that same previous dog fight and subsequent ear infection so she doesn't always hear me.

So far I have moved furniture around to keep pathways clear, and blocked off the stairways so Honey can't fall down the stairs. I have put a rug in front of the back patio door and front door, and a mat under her food and water bowls so that she can feel the textures as she reaches these areas. She seems to bang a lot into walls, but is gradually getting better at navigating the house.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for helping Honey transition in this difficult time for her?

Thanks in advance everybody!!
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Awww. Sweet baby! Glad she has a wonderful parent!!

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