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How big will she get???

Yes, we did get the Apoquel. He was on Temaril P while we were waiting and because of the dosage, he was a doped up zombie. He was on Simplicef a few weeks ago for bacteria (he had been constantly licking/chewing at his paws) but he is still licking them like crazy so I am taking him to his dermatologist next week. I've tried the ACV and povidone iodine soaks and neither one has helped. One of his back paws is bright red from him always going at it. These guys...
Yup, they have their issues but they're sooooo cute :-D Sarge is excited everyday for his new traveling adventures. Loves all the different hotels and loves the house we rente here in Florida. Plenty of room for his Frenchie 500. Get better Jax!!
Sounds like I can expect her to get pretty big! The family we got her from said that their vet expected her to only be around 18 lbs. Then again, they said she was 8 lbs when we got her, when in reality she was 12. I know the standard is around 18-28 lbs, but I have yet to meet or hear about an adult Frenchie under 25 lbs.

I regularly attend my frenchie meet ups and I have to say I agree with you. I have run across very few Frenchies under 18 pounds. Most are 25 + and to be honest many of them are overweight which I really don't like to see. It's hard on them and they already have enough issues with their cute smooshy faces. My Batty is snoring louder and louder these days.

I do have a good friend who has a female that is over a year and is 18 pounds. She is a petite little princess. I just love love love Lulu. Pictured here....

Update! Bisou seems to have hit a plateau. She's been 20.6 pounds consistently for nearly six weeks now. She's 10 months now, and I know they don't "fill out" completely until they're a year or two old... is this normal? Has she hit the weight she's going to stay or is she just at a lull in her growth?
Gidget at 2, is a compact 23 lbs.
Wilson at 1 (and this is the one I weighed on the kitchen scale daily ~ if not twice a day ~ because he had passive regurgition and at one point dropped below 3.5 lbs) is now a Whopping and very solid 27 lbs.
Olivia (Wilson's sister) at 1 is somewhere in between the other two.

Size / frame wise, they are all about the same. Olivia has the biggest and I think true-est bulldog face and body.
Pepper at 5 1/2 month (25 weeks) is almost 10 kilos in weight (22 pounds). She used to put on about 0.5 kilos (1.1 pounds) a week but she slowed down lately and started filling up.
When we got her she was 8 weeks old and was so stubby, just like a barrel, the typical frenchie anatomy, and then she started growing but only length and height wise at one time resembling more a boxer puppy than a frenchie. At her age she is almost as tall (2-3 centimeters shy) as her 1.6 year old brother.
In the last month she began bulking up, her chest broadened, her legs are getting more muscular and defined, her neck is rounding up, her head is getting bigger and she is slowly moving towards the frenchie anatomy of an adult.
I am also wondering how big and heavy she'll get but I suppose she is gonna add weight at a slower rate now and get bulkier. We'll just have to wait and see...as long as she is healthy and playful she may weigh 1 tone or 1 pound, doesn't matter to us :)
We didn't get Bisou until she was 4 months old, so for us the bulk of her growing happened between 4 and 7 months. Once she hit 7 months, she slowed down a lot. She's 11 months this week and has been the same weight for a solid two months. She's looking much more adult, but her weight isn't changing. It's amazing how everyone has such different growth stories, but the pups all end up within 10 lbs of each other!
Our Wyatt is 32 lbs but he's from a European line which seems bigger. He doesn't look fat...just solid.

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