How to train him to pee and poop on diaper? Heeelp!


New member
Nov 29, 2016
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Hi, someone probably wrote about it, bud somehow I couldn't find it.
So, I have a puppy that's 3 months old.
I have him for a 4 days, and I want to teach him to pee and poop on diaper, but I dont know how.
Sometimes he does it where he sould, but sometimes he pees on wrong place, and it looks like he does it on purpose.
Please help me!

Thank you all!
I guess I have to ask. Why not teach him to do his business outside as they should?

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Hey, thank you for answering!
Well they told me he sould be indoor 30 more days.
And I study, so I will not be always home, so it would be good for him to know to do it inside also
Not sure about the whole using a diaper thing, it doesn't sound natural for a dog. Maybe try the pee pads.
We used potty pads with Buster because we got him in winter and it was so cold outside. The breeder had actually started training the litter to use the pads so when we got him at 8 weeks old he knew where to go. We took the pads away when he started playing with them and chewing them up! We have a pet door and an older dog that showed him the ropes when he was ready to go outside to potty.
Okay, thank you all!
And what is the bes way to teach him to pee on pee pads
Use pee pads, but the paper ones, sometimes they like to tear them up. We use the cotton washable ones, and they work great. Plus we have never had a pup tear one up.
Use pee pads, but the paper ones, sometimes they like to tear them up. We use the cotton washable ones, and they work great. Plus we have never had a pup tear one up.

That is great, I didn't know they made cloth pee pads, but it makes sense to me!