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I don't know what to do.


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Dec 28, 2014
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Hey everyone,

Recently as some of you may know my wife and I adopted a second Frenchie who we named Chips. When we went to meet him a couple weeks ago I knew there were going to be issues. He was underweight/his nails and fur were in rough shape and his general demeanour needed uplifting. Well recently (two days) ago he began exasperating very heavily and hasn't eaten at all. We rushed him to the vet where they did x-Rays and confirmed he had phenomonia. Not a great diagnosis but treatable. We started him on an IV and left him there overnight. However things have changed today when our vet called me at work saying that Chips was in even worse shape than yesterday. His lips are going blue and he requires oxygen to keep stable. They x-rayed his esophagus and found something not right. We now have limited options of having to go to a specialty hospital where they will knock him out and insert a camera down his throat etc.
My dilemma here is that we have invested already 2000$ dollars and we were quoted an additional 2000$ for just the exploratory procedure. Not including the potential treatment. My wife is heartbroken as well am I, but I can't afford to spend 5-7 thousand dollars on him. My vet has told me that if we don't proceed it will be a quality of life issue.

We are heartbroken over the possibility of having to let him go.
I am so very sorry --- poor baby and both of you. It seems the so called breeder did not properly take care of these babies .... I have no experience and my heart breaks for you all.

sending you prayers and positive thoughts that your little guy pulls through
Jacob, I am so sorry to hear about Chips. I just went through a bout of aspiration pneumonia with my Frenchie Remy and thought I was going to lose him. Between diagnostics to determine why he chronically vomits (probably inflammatory bowel disease) and the pneumonia treatment at a 24 hour emergency hospital, it ran $6k. I couldn't afford it any longer and brought my dog home to continue his treatment at home with oxygen, nebulizer, coupage, and oral medications. Thankfully he is doing better and expected to live.

Did they say what they suspect is wrong with his esophagus?

If worse comes to worse, please contact a rescue ASAP to see if they can take in Chips. Please know that there is no guarantee he will be "fixable" though. Here is the emergency contact info for the French Bulldog Rescue Network:

If you have an emergency that requires immediate surrender of your dog, please call the number that corresponds with the time zone you live in.

Pacific and Mountain 970-368-FBRN
Central 319-214-FBRN
Eastern 443-937-FBRN

These numbers are assigned to volunteers in their private homes. Please only call between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Please check if your vet offers Care Credit or has any resources available to assist you or can take payments.

I will be praying for Chips. My heart is still raw from my boy's health ordeal, so I definitely understand the pain involved when our dogs are so sick and money is an issue.
Oh no!!! I'm SO sorry Chips is in such bad health. :( I know the costs of vets in Toronto is ridiculously high so I understand your dilemma. Have you considered trying to get donations online using GoFundMe or any other fundraising site? Good luck!!! I'm sending all the positive thoughts and health vibes I can to Chips.
[MENTION=902]Squishy Walnuts[/MENTION] I am conflicted with starting a go fund me page as it is not in my nature to ask for money. But that is a good idea. As well if it comes down to it we will call FBR and see if they can take him in potentially if it is a worst case. Thank you guys!
So sorry to hear this, and it is never an easy decision to make, but there is no guarantee even if you did the procedure that he would even make it through the pneumonia. Does your vet have him in an oxygen enriched environment? Hopefully that will help him if they do. I wish I had the answer, but I would have to ask my vet what they thought the best thing would be.
[MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] yah Chips has been on oxygen and an IV today. I want to take him home. To see if he will eat /drink/get comfortable but I'm not certain if that is just selfish of me.
Jacob, when I brought my Remy home, I rented an oxygen concentrator from a durable medical equipment store. I rented a portable tank for the car ride home as well.
You can look up in my Remy has pneumonia thread: I converted a plastic travel crate to an oxygen crate by taping off all the openings (leaving a little for carbon dioxide to exit), and keeping Remy in there except to go potty. It was way cheaper than hospitalization, but Remy already had 5 days of hospitalization and treatment before I brought him home. I do think being at home helped motivate him to get better.
Wow that's amazing! We are back at the vet now, so I will bring that up as an option possibly. Thank you!!!
Wishing you all the best! There has been some great advice on here so hopefully it works out well for you & little Chips! Fingers crossed!
I am so sorry to hear about Chips health problems. You've been given some good advice. Sending prayers your way.
That's horrible that you just adopted poor ol' Chips and it's come down to such a situation.

I'm rooting for you, Chips! I hope you can pull through! [emoji173]️
Update: this has been such a roller coaster of emotion, but I have some other wise great news. On Wednesday night our Vet called and had said Chips was making steady improvements. They had taken him off the oxygen and IV and began feeding him a wet food and water in very small moderation. As well they gave him an anti inflammatory shot and started him on Antibiotics. I have no idea how to explain it, but Chips must have had pneumonia when we adopted him because he frequently couldn't keep food down. Now however since he has been home he hasn't regurgitated anything. His energy is starting to come back and his breathing is much more regular sounding. This week has been so tough on my wife and I and even Fish as well (he has been looking all over the house for Chips) thank you everyone for the support. This community is the absolute best.
Update: this has been such a roller coaster of emotion, but I have some other wise great news. On Wednesday night our Vet called and had said Chips was making steady improvements. They had taken him off the oxygen and IV and began feeding him a wet food and water in very small moderation. As well they gave him an anti inflammatory shot and started him on Antibiotics. I have no idea how to explain it, but Chips must have had pneumonia when we adopted him because he frequently couldn't keep food down. Now however since he has been home he hasn't regurgitated anything. His energy is starting to come back and his breathing is much more regular sounding. This week has been so tough on my wife and I and even Fish as well (he has been looking all over the house for Chips) thank you everyone for the support. This community is the absolute best.

Great progress!! continued prayers that he recovers fully and has a LONG life with you all
Great news! I pray Chips continues to recover and is back to normal soon!
Aw yay Chips!
That's crazy when you adopted him he was sick! But the symptoms don't always lead to thinking of pneumonia! I'm sure now that he's feeling better, and you get him on a good diet he'll quit spitting food back up, and the other things you mentioned (kinda thin, fur isn't the best condition) will improve as well!
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