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Isabelle "scraped" her chin.


New member
Sep 14, 2014
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She chewed up her Plastic cage water dish. The sharp plastic scraped/cut her chin.

I wiped it down with cool water.

Anything I can put on it?
and lots of loving of course heal quickly Isa :pray:
The vet has me clean with Alcohol and put some 1% Hydrocortisone for any scrapes and cuts. Quella has never reacted to the Alcohol, so I don't feel so badly using it on her.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
The vet has me clean with Alcohol and put some 1% Hydrocortisone for any scrapes and cuts. Quella has never reacted to the Alcohol, so I don't feel so badly using it on her.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

I was thinking that! But didn't want to burn her.

Guess it's better than not doing anything.

Thanks everyone!
I would clean with peroxide and then a little neosporin on it till it heals
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